[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v9.2)

Dash is evil meanie :sob:

Spicy needs sleep.

But if he needs to moarn, he wonā€™t sleep

No I donā€™t.
Also why are you still up >:(

Haha timezones

Iā€™m waiting to vote for Karuta. If it werenā€™t for that, Iā€™d probably be asleep right now.

But why would you vote for him if he keeps you waiting that long :thinking:

I waiting for my next profile picture.
I canā€™t wait.

What will it be?

Karutaā€™s a bot, not a person

I know that, just teasing Dash :wink:

Youā€™ll see
In 13 minutes
(If youā€™re on discord)

for tickets, a consumable that can be used for multiple purposes to purchase items. Also to get more votes so I can get more rewards at the end of the month.

Okay fine. But after 12, you sleep.

Okay, Iā€™ll wait and see


I feel like lure possessed you

His sleep schedule is kinda wacky. Heā€™s sometimes awake at like 3 am and then sleeps and then wakes up at like 7.

Although there are worseā€¦

That is his problem right? We canā€™t force him to sleep

Hey >:(
That happened once

Once too many for Dash I think :man_shrugging:

emphasized text

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