Fun With Emojis!

No, when you try and take a screen shot in Disney+ Nothing shows up

Even on a phone? That’s weird…

I tried it as well and for me a message pops up that says I can’t screenshot in a secured area. That’s on my phone for clarity.

So I’m afraid you won’t be able to get it

It’s a shame because it looks so cool.

I´m confused… what has D+ related to emojis?

They have exclusive as told by emojis


They have exclusive “As Told by Emoji” videos that have exclusive emojis… at the end of Onward, there is a dragon curse that I thought should be in the game, so I wanted an image of it.

Ok. Some time ago I could take screenshots from D+, now I can´t.

I just realized that I can rn.

Do the Dragon Curse at the end of the Onward one! There are some good ones in MU as well!

Like this?

Click on “Extras” on Onward, and the as told by should come up


I finished Bambi Jones!
Bambi Jones

How would you rate this abomination?
  • :star2:
  • :star2: :star2:
  • :star2: :star2: :star2:
  • :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:
  • :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:
  • Put that thing back were it came from or so help me.
  • My brain hates my eyes for seing this.
  • I´ll flag it inmediately

0 voters

… Did you mean Bambi???

Yes, typo.

It actually is not bad…

My Slushy emoji is not that great, could you make a better one?



I´ll try

Isn´t bad, is just that is cursed :upside_down_face:

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Here is the current.

Ok (10cha)

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