Fun With Emojis!

Yep, I did not know.

Where did you get that pic?

Uh, I just found her. I just search Google honey lemon’s emoji.

Just for you who voted the sanity thing: yes, your sanity is a joke to me :grin:

Finished slushy!

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My boy slushy! He is so cute! Thanks!

:musical_note: What can I say except your welcome :musical_note:
I wasn´t sure who to use as a base so I just picked stitch, I can do it again if you know a better base.

These are the other experiments in case one would work better.
The eyes on SLushy are a but cubish… maybe we should round out the pupils

How this came to the game but not slushy?..

That’s the question on my mind. Slushy is actually a bit more popular that some of the experiments…I was just scrolling thru D+ one day and remembered there was a tv show, so I checked it out (Watched all the episodes) and Slushy became my favorite.

Just checked. Slushy appears in more media then Angel, but she is more popular :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:


You saw Slushy’s main episode, right?

Also, Rueben, Sparky, and Cannonball are not playable, they appear in Angel’s power which is why I cheated to get her

That’s sad…

I feel like they will come eventually… after all, we did just get “Slightly” from peter pan :upside_down_face:

It looks funny :joy:

I got his best face lol. He is the most forgettable one… Although he did bring in sprites with the others

Can you do McQueen and dash

What about them? They have emojis.

I thought you and rino mix two Disney emojis when people ask

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