So here is my idea. They make a game mode in which the player fights the creeps until hw is defeated. The game starts of with five “chip cards” to choose from. Each of these has one unlocked hero for you to pick. Then the game begins with the creeps being easily deafeated. So you pick another hero out od three “Chip cards.”
Your team now consists of two heroes. And you use these two heroes to progress farther. Beating the nwxt lvl allows you to add a nother hero. THhis continuws for five lvls. At the end of these five you choose one of ten “Chip cards” five is a reward: Purple badge, XP drinks, Hero chips, Gold, or diamonds.
The other five give you support for future lvls of the game: attack increase buff, reshuffle “chip cards”, Shields, Energy max, and hero ressurection.
This second category allows you to beat further lvls easier. The game goes on and you can add a total of fifteen heroes to your team of heroes for actual battling. After you are defeated three tim es, the game is over and depending how far you got you can receive one additional rewarrd. If i didnt explain it well let me know. Or if you have any questions or concerns. So What do you think?