Guess who is him/ her ? ( new hero ) (spoiler alert)

@Cherryjelly maui stole the heart why? Did he need it? No did he want it? Apparently
Did he want to help moana? No. Did he plan to use her to get his hook then abondon her? Yes. Did he pull a han solo to save the day? Yes. My classification of maui: Villain turned hero!

@Champion_David Ok fine but could you just not keep repeating that you don’t want villains in the game alll the time, that’s all I really want, I’m not trying to hurt your feelings.

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@CowardWhisper8 i get you and trust me i dont easily get offended. Ty for letting me know how you feel i wikl try ti limit how muxh i debate this subject. I guess it doesnt matter anyways…i dont have enough people on my side XD

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Thank you that’s all I need to hear.

Id say anytime but…:grin:

Boi, I’m not trying to bring this up… but I’ve proven the “requirements” for a character to be in the game.

Click Here!

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Looks to me like pictures of Mowgli, Alice, Cheshire Cat and DEFINITELY Queen Ursula.

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I’m seeing Miguel, Alice, Mad Hatter and Ursula…

At the end he help moana and h corrects every mistake that he Did.

No Ralph got a medal for doing what was right and to clean a mess he made in an effort to make his own life better. The term villain makes people think inherently evil, how often do villains actually consider themselves to be villains? Most see themselves as doing what is right. I mean did you have the same issue when Super Smash Bros. came out? As the only brothers were Mario and Luigi and nobody had the name Smash. For every point to be made there is a counter point waiting to be expressed. Think about this, was Hades really evil for wanting more than the Underworld? His methods were on the south side of the moral compass, but what he wanted was the respect of being the ruler of Olympus, his desire for power came from being looked down upon.

Personally I have no real problem with the addition of villains making the title technically slightly off. I’d just be peeved off a little if there was no attempt to explain why the villains - by which I mean the actual, antagonistic villains - are working with the heroes now and vice versa.

I mean, if Jafar or Syndrome (for instance) were just dropped into the game I think it’d be weird if suddenly they’re just fine fighting alongside Aladdin and the Incredibles. Part of the fun in things like the Friend missions is the idea of these characters interacting in ways that make sense for their characters, and I can’t really see that happening for some villains, especially alongside their corresponding heroes. It’s why they’re the villains in the first place and it’d be out of character for them.

Other games of this type often include playable villains, but usually with some kind of explanation. Marvel’s Avengers Alliance (an amazing game that I sorely miss) had villains like Doctor Doom, Magneto and Sandman become part of the team, but they were unlocked via a different method, essentially collecting up a conversation which explained why they decided to join your alliance. Even then, the most irredeemable villains, like Red Skull and Carnage, never got this function.

It wouldn’t be a complete deal-breaker but if they just threw them into the game like any other heroes it would be a bit annoying to me. I know some people don’t really care about plot or logic in their mobile games but I’d like to hope there’s someone in the game’s development team who does

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@Cherryjelly so when you are going to reveal the others two you put in the post? (The new ones)

Is it just me, or who can’t see who the person in the third photo is…
It reminded me of Oscar from Sesame Street

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(20 characters)

3rd is Mad hatter (I think) . And Ursala is the 4th.

The picture with Ursula looks like my background for my phone with all the circles and stuff

who is the third picture! I cant tell

I know there is miguel, Alice, and ursula.

It should be Mad hatter

Who cares…game has lost its beauty to me after the arena token desaster…

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