Happy Olaf Day! and warm hugs! (And Frozen 2 chatter)

I hope Olaf is not very scared.

Whoā€™s the best frozen hero. Olaf.


Most definitely!

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Olaf is so funny. I love him just screaming in the trailer. Protect Olaf!

Have you seen the latest trailer?

Annaā€™s line made me laugh :smile:

The Frozen 2 trailer is great. Itā€™s so dark but Olaf is always the highlight.

Isnā€™t everything now a days dark?

As an addition to my pont, my tabletā€™s web browser screen just changed to black and I do not know what I did to make it do this, or how to change it back. :neutral_face:


Yeah, but Iā€™m excited for the second movie. More Olaf fun!

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I just watched the new Frozen 2 trailer. I found it funny when I saw Olaf in the end of the trailer

You mean the scene where heā€™s been chasing off by their enemies?

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I donā€™t if it is that seen but it was after he said something like ā€œso is us being in danger going to be a thing now?ā€

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Why is dark so enthralling to you people? Lol

I see that itā€™s night sometimes but I donā€™t get the impression that itā€™s super dark.

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Looks around the forums


The forums are dark too!

But that is okay, I like it this dark! :grin:


Well it seems for intense now so more exciting! The bottom part of the Frozen 2 logo is dark as well.

Excited for movie.

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image http://25.media.tumblr.com/04667841c85646eec8a0ff14bc8ca095/tumblr_mzrevvFPJ51rfdneqo3_250.gif
Whoā€™s gonna watch Frozen 2 when I comes out?

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I will, but idk whenā€¦there arenā€™t really any theaters where I liveā€¦

Meeeeee! :slightly_smiling_face:

I likely wonā€™t watch it in theaters, but I may watch it when it reaches Redbox.

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