He is the senate! (Emperor Palpatine Concept)

Emperor Palpatine

Description: Sheev Palpatine tricks and influences enemies using his clever mannerisms and the force, only to destroy them when their guard is down.

Quote: So be it, Jedi.

Position: Back

Role: Control

Stars: 2

Trial Team: Yellow


Entrance: Palpatine spawns on his throne and stands up.

Victory: Palpatine smiles and begins to cackle

Defeat: Palpatine falls to his knees and thrusts his hands in the air.

Basic attack:

Before W. Skill: Palpatine waves his hand in the air

After W. Skill: Palpatine Uses Force Lightning to Electrocute enemies


White skill: “Power! Unlimited Power!”

Fantastic Damage

Passive: instead of doing a basic attack, Palpatine inflicts Deceived on enemies. Deceived prevents enemies from Targeting Palpatine with their basic attacks or skills for 7 seconds. Deceived cannot be cleansed. Palpatine cannot enter battle alone. If all of Palpatine’s allies are K.O.’d before he can use his white skill, he flees from battle, resulting in a loss. After Palpatine uses his white skill once he changes his skills and basic attack for the rest of the battle.

Active: Palpatine Unleashes a massive storm of force lightning, dealing x damage to all enemies and inflicting Shock for 10 seconds. Enemies with Shock take x damage over time and have the damage from all their skills reduced by 25%. If an enemy is inflicted with Deceived when this skill is activated, Palpatine disregards 80% of their total reality.

Green Skill: “Show No Mercy”

Fantastic Damage

Before W. skill: Palpatine rallies his allies with a speech, increasing their skill power by x and inflicting deceived to 2 random enemies for 7 seconds

After W. Skill: Palpatine Shoots a bolt of force lighting at the frontmost enemy, dealing x damage. It then chains to 2 more times to random enemies dealing x damage per chain

Blue Skill: “Let the Hate Flow”

Fantastic Damage

Before W. skill: Palpatine calls an imperial royal guard to attack the backmost enemy dealing x damage and Stunning that enemy for 10 seconds

After W. skill: Palpatine releases a wave of force lighting that passes through the enemy team, Dealing x damage and inflicting Shock for 10 seconds.

Purple Skill: In Full Control

Before W. Skill: Enemies with deceived cannot super crit and have their normal crit chance reduced by 80.

After W. Skill: Shocked Enemies will now drain x energy over the effect’s duration.

Red Skill: “Good, Good”

Before W. Skill: Show No Mercy now inflicts all enemies with Deceived. Deceived gains 3 seconds to its Duration.

After W. Skill: Palpatine’s basic attack now inflicts Shock for 3 seconds on enemies. When an ally K.O.s an enemy, Palpatine Heals x health and gains stacks of Hardy equal to the amount of active buffs that enemy had.

Bonus Stats

X Skill Power

X Reality

X More Damage per chain from Show no Mercy



Campaign: The Forces of Evil

Description: Palpatine begins to rise in power within the city, which has attracted the attention of Maleficent.

Disk: Heart of Darkness

Disk Star Effect: After W. Skill: Power! Unlimited Power! Now obliterates shields and deals x bonus damage.

Disk Level Effect: Before W. Skill: Palpatine starts each wave with a shield that has x health.


Campaign: A Way with Words

Description: Palpatine is looking for members of his new inner council. Intrigued by this, ursula offers to help in exchange for being on top of this council.

Disk: Villain Grand Plan

Disk Star effect: “Power! Unlimited Power!” Now ignores all forms of passive damage resistance against enemies with Deceived. (i.e. Maximus’ Follow your nose or Gerald Marlin, and nemo’s White passive)

Disk Level Effect: Shock stuns enemies for x seconds when the duration runs out or if it’s cleansed.

Hope you enjoyed! Please post any feedback you can give!

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This is for my contest right? Make sure to post the link when you are ready. Remember that changes cannot be made after submission.

No I already submitted my unlikely concept which is R2D2 I just made this because making concepts is my hobby.

Sorry. Lots to keep track of and stuff. Good to know.

That is nice to hear.

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