We should get patch season 11 next week, so, next week. (If we get one as in schedule)
Oh I thought it was tomorrow because the franchise trials is about to be over in 4 days and I still end on either Tuesday or Wednesday
Hopefully most of this statement can be just…
Maybe there will be no D-tier afterall!
Yeah, S+ tier Flynn Rider please
I hope so I hope he will be op
And sweetumbs?
Chaos… Chaos made by Emerald, this sounds familiar… all you can see is A, B, C, and S. Farewell, D, 5.4 is out
- Added Bowler Hat Guy
- Removed D-tier
- Thanks to the new and improved Emerald, most of the D-tier heroes moved to C-tier, some even to B-tier…
- 6 Hero Refreshes
- Bunch of hero movements
- [New Feature] Changes of recommended disks are now highlighted!
- Can you see Rose?
RIP A+ Tier L&A and D-tier Sally
Scar is that good?! How?
Hooray for S tier Flynn Rider
Thanks for the work put into this. It is greatly appreciated.
- Hank & Dory
- Yzma
- King Triton
- Flynn Rider
- Anna
- Cheshire Cat
- Donald Duck
- Colette
- Bowler Hat Guy
0 voters
Hank is top 1 by a long shot among these
Other than him I picked Yzma but tbh I could see it going to most of them
Abu is not up here…
World peace has been achieved
Just because to eliminate the obvious choice…
Hold on hold on
Beast is not in the correct spot
He got refreshed.
he is a underrated hero
Could we tell Perblue to remove Sally from friendship campaigns? She is almost unkillable and is so often found in friendship campaigns it is really annoying.
Yes please I have so many campaigns that have been roadblocked by sally since she was refreshed