How can I celebrate my Avatar, Borders & skills on discourse?

Can I call you Book of conduct?

No @Monarch_Mummy_V

What about The new @kinokan concept?

You may not call me any nickname

Why not? Also, I’m not good at naming stuff.

Hmm, how helpful am i? And when?

To get back on topic!

We haven’t celebrated this avatar!


What if anything could be celebrated about this avatar?


Shake her? I hardly know her

(Badge Description)

What’s the name of this badge? Does anyone know?

It looks rather spicy…or am I being salty?

:thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Shake ya groove thing shake ya groove thing!

It looks like a colorful salt or peoper shaker.

I have many to choose from, so I can understand why I wasn’t included in the list! Not to mention I would probably say it’s lackluster if it wasn’t alliteration! Here’s a few I can think of at the top of my head: Duke of Ditali, King of Kusksu, Commander of Capellini, and Lord of Linguine. I’m also a key member of the Penne Parliament! So many titles! So much alliteration! So much deliciousness!


Don’t forget the Colonel of Cannelloni :+1:

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Maybe also Prince of Pasta!


Well hello to all! Hope to celebrate more.

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Sultan of spaghetti and lord of lasagna!


Stitch loves spaghetti! Maybe Tony can play some songs on Stitch’s ukulele?

My pen can record records.

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Well be careful to make sure Sven doesn’t eat your avatar!

I could go for a carrot

eats a carrot

@Holiday_Peeps why is your avatar all white? Oh wait…

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