How can I celebrate my Avatar, Borders & skills on discourse?

Yes we know :slight_smile:


You said it not me! lol

Everything is wrong with that avatar lol

A cat kissing a fish? Now I’ve seen everything

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Actually it appears that the fish jumps up & :kiss: kissed the cat!


Talk about being fearless. Imagine if Figaro had his mouth open!

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I wonder if they were sharing a spaghetti noodle?

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Well… Now we know how the catfish got its name…

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I don’t think that’s correct. It’s sounds…fishy.

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More like…scratchy (sketchy) :grin:

GENIUS JOKE 10/10 M8! YOU WIN A TROPHY! hand trophy


Don’t question it I’m excited for my birthday tomorrow so I’m insane

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Here’s wishing you a Happy Birthday just a little early.

Hope you enjoy the cake! But I’m not telling you to eat it!

Looks around :eyes: Queens get in trouble by telling people to eat cake!


Are they turning one year old?! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

But I could go for some cake.

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I’m turning thirteen and also I’m allergic to cake anyway

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…what do you mean you are allergic to cake?

(Nit unlike that cake in the avatar we are discussing)

Not sure that is the kind of thing you can be allergic too…

Well… Maybe he’s allergic to eggs. And that would make him allergic to cake because cake has eggs in it.


Well there are plenty of ingredients in cake you can be allergic to, but they make cake that can work around this, like different kinds of milk, and gluten free stuff, and yes there are ways to work around eggs.

How :sunglasses: cool is this little guy?



He is so cool, he lives in the cold.

I hope nobody gives him the cold shoulder.

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That penguin is so fancy with his bow tie and “suit”!

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