How can I celebrate my Avatar, Borders & skills on discourse?

That’s the coolest thing in the entire race.

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Well… I’m tired as well. So… I’m going back to bed.


It’s Lightning McQeen’s tire. It’s also a spoof off of the real world brand Goodyear while also being an Easter egg referencing Buzz Lightyear.

Hmm…So far, all your puns are falling flat. :grin:

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Flatter than a flat tire?

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Aw honey, as flat as a tire that was punctured by a nail.

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Did someone say honey?

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Aww Pooh is so sweet I like hunny too!


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I have never had hunny but. Pooh makes me appreciate it anyway. He is so cute

We must stick together like hunny.

confession time: I used to think honey looked and tasted like it did to Pooh, and it looked delicious in Pooh’s world, so the first time I ever had honey, I took a big spoonful and shoved it down my throat. It was at that point I realized, I do not like honey. :grin:

But make sure no bees sees you eeting eet.


I love honey. It’s so good!

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I think you made yourself like honey.

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I enjoy it in small quantities. Too much of it can be a little overwhelming to my taste buds.

I like honey with melted butter on my pancakes.



We can change our avatars now! But I’m gonna continue celebrating this avatar by not changing it!

Ok… :heavy_check_mark: let’s check this Avatar out.


How can we celebrate this avatar?


We definitely don’t need a lot of money to celebrate it. Yet we can add some…

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I will give you… 11 dollars


That looks very familiar…

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How can we celebrate this avatar?


I “lava” this one it’s hot!


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