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Is this a candy?


I think I feel sleepy. Yawn and sleep*

Looks more like the eyes of Kaa (or Sir Hiss)

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What is he from? Kind of scary looking


That snake is from Robin Hood

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He’s from the Jungle Book

No. If you closely, you can see the hat on a snake head. Kaa doesn’t wear a hat

It can also be Kaa. Sir Hiss and Kaa look kinda the same with their hypnotizing eyes. :grimacing:

But the thing on a top of his head

Yah, that’s Sir Hiss. And this is now Kaa:
I never watched Robin Hood but I know the Jungle Book. So I never know there are two different Disney hypnotizing snakes.

Yup, and he has the voice actor of Winnie the Pooh. :grin:

Disney is known for reusing character designs and animations. The design for Little John in Robin Hood is the same as that of Baloo. And this monster from Moana is based off Flash the Sloth’s character model.


And Robin Hood was the cheapest movie to make because of many reused frames


Just like Aurora and Philip’s dance were the same one used by Beast (after turning human) and Belle.

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But as I remember, the badge is called “Trust in me”. Don’t remember Hiss saying that.

It was Kaa.

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