How can I celebrate my Avatar, Borders & skills on discourse?

I’m not too sure about that. The haunted mansion one is correct, but I question the spear mint. I get the spear part, because of the Kakamora’s blow darts (I guess), but I don’t see what the mint has to do with anything related to Moana.


Idk that’s what the badge origin thread says :man_shrugging:

Haha I love that this thread started because we wanted to know if we could change our avatar on the forum (which we couldn’t before) so we started making jokes about our avatars. Then we realized we could change our name to change our avatars so that started a new craze of avatar related jokes. Then Polaris gave us the present to change our avatars which gave us more avatar related jokes. And now due to a bug, we can’t change our avatars again. It’s come full circle.
And our avatars are also circles!


Ok, moving right along. :slight_smile:


Who is blowing this :kiss: kiss & who is catching it? And what a unique idea, sending a kiss on a paper airplane.

Cool avatar!

PS tell us/me all you know!


That would be from the short Paperman.

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That was such a cute short!


The office scene reminded me of returning to school after a long weekend at the teacher drops a mountain of homework on my desk

I’m gonna show my nerdiness but I enjoyed a lot of my homework. My Spanish homework was easy. My calculus was interesting. I loved reading books for English

As @The_Spooky_Vizier said, it’s from the short Paperman.

Spoilers for the Disney short Paperman

In it, A guy meets a girl at the tram station. He’s holding some papers and the wind blows a paper out of his arms and onto her face. The lipstick she is wearing leaves a “kiss” on the paper. They part ways as they go to work. The man is working in an office in a skyscraper when he looks out his window and sees that same woman in a building across the street. He leans out the window and tries to get her attention to no avail. He then gains the idea of using the stack of papers on his desk to make paper airplanes to fly into the open window of the room she’s in. He tries and fails many times to make to paper planes fly through the window, making hundreds of planes in the process. Finally, he’s down to his last piece of paper: The one with the kiss. He folds it as carefully as possible, and as he prepares to throw it, the wind blows it out of his hand. He then sees the girl get up and leave the room in the other building. In a desperate move, he abandons his office space and runs outside to see if he can find the girl on his own. Much to his disappointment, he fails. Frustrated, he starts walking down the street. The scene cuts to a dead end ally where hundreds of the man’s paper airplanes had landed. Among them is the plane with the kiss. Magically, that plane starts to tip from one side to the other, then it’s lifted of the ground by the wind, swirling around in a circle. Another plane joins it. Then another, followed by another, and another, until all the planes in the ally are in a swirling whirlwind. The scene cuts to the street looking at the entrance to the ally. The planes are seen bouncing in the air, single file, approaching then following the man. The plane with the kiss shoots ahead of the others and finds the woman in a different part of town, where she is looking at a flower shop. The plane lands in a bouquet, catching her attention, just as she is about to pick it up, it lifts back into the air and flies away, the woman in tow. Going back to the man, the planes start attaching to him, and he tries to swipe them off. They keep attaching to him, to the point of pushing him the way they want to go. He tries to resist, but they are too strong. The planes take him to the tram and force him into a car. At the same time, the plane with the kiss leads the girl into a different tram car. The two trams meet at the same spot and the woman walks out of the tram holding the plane, which is no longer moving. She looks up and sees the man coming out of the other tram covered in paper airplanes. They come face to face happy to see one another. Then it cuts to credits.


The link to video would have been better and more effortless… but good job explaining it!


Thanks I enjoyed your rendintaion.

Thanks :slight_smile:



I just found another avatar here in the forum.


Looks like a shooting star aka falling star. Would someone maybe wishing on a star?


PS I just saw it in the game it was called cuteing-star.

When you wish upon a star

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From Gravity Falls!

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It is Gravity falls.


It represents Mabel Pines in the prophecy to deal with Bill Cipher

Which actually was never fulfilled but could be in season three if it ever happend.

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From Gravity Falls. It is the symbol on Mabel’s signature jacket

I don’t get it. Why put a jacket on… in the middle of SUMMER

Gravity Falls has a six-fingered man, a portal to dimensions, an evil pyramid, living gnomes, and other weird stuff and the thing you’re asking is why a person is wearing a jacket!?!?!

Eh Gravity Falls has all sorts of weird stuff and nobody cared. Like nobody in Lilo & Stitch thought twice about Stitch and Jumba and Pleakley being aliens even though a dog could play the ukulele :joy:


…technically it is a sweater… That is what she calls it. Soo…

Aye Gravity Falls. If only Bill Cipher truly was defeated.

And Grunkle Stan is truly gone forever…

Let’s get back on topic

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The bug that doesn’t allow us to change our avatars sure is bugging me! :wink:

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