I got basil!

I finally got basil and he is OP and this is my current team for him
Is this a good team for him?
Love to here your feedback on the team

Sorry to tell you but DW is not very good IMO


Basil and Darkwing are not that great. Also, you really did not need to make a topic about this IMO.

So then who should I add?

Basil is really good wdym

Ok I mean I have heard nothing but bad things about him and I do not personally think he is good, but you do you I guess.

Basil is perfectly usable.

About DW tho, it’s true, he’s pretty bad

Should I use li shang instead of DW?

Yes! Li Shang is one of the best supports

Yes, but he is very imperfect and flawed

But he makes normal damage crit

Yes, I know. But the studies with his active overlap, and therefore don’t last long

And the energy he gains with his purple skill is too much, because it leaves him with 900 energy per active (unless he is sapped). For one, it is too much, and two, the energy interferes with his use of any other skill. And the cooldown to his counter is too long.

Any study does.

True, he has many flaws, but even just for his damage he’s worth using at that level. It’s not like they’ll be facing meta lineups all the time anyway.

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