I’M ALMOST THERE! (Princess Tiana concept) #1 concept

There is no brother. You are the same person. Stop this weird charade.

uh…ok 1. he is my brother, 2. if you don’t believe me, then…i can’t prove but, he is in grade 2, i’m in college, he is rude and a bully, I’m kind and love sharing my thoughts to other people and my bro also spams, flynns bit me on the hand, and nearly sliced my hand in half!

… I understand this from a “not wanting to show my brother’s face publicly on the Internet” perspective, but this really doesn’t help your case any.

To be blunt, I have a hard time believing this because of how poor your comment formatting and grammar is.

And I don’t see how saying this is supposed to help prove or disprove anything.

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Wow, that cut looks really deep… have you seen a doctor about it?

Is that just drawing on you’re finger or a real cut if it’s a real cut go to the doctors.

You were not here for that

This was just unnecessary

It’s clearly a drawn cut :man_facepalming:

Ok. This is why I am not a comedian. …never mind the cut…

Now I need to go so goodbye


Yeah I’m not even bothering this time. Have fun getting banned again.

I think you need to stop making topics as often I know I’m late to say this but. You have made 5topics so far in only 2days I think this can count as spam which is part of the community guidelines now I’m not trying to offend you or tell you that you can’t make more topics but spam is part of the guidelines and you could get banned from these forums for spam. Its just a suggestion THISGUYCHARLES 21

Made up name.

Dude, it’s okay. You don’t need to keep making alternate accounts, you can just stay the same person. No one will judge you if you just try to improve (drawing, grammar).

You don’t need to keep making up things. Just stop lying.

Just stop lying and people will accept you.
And why take a picture of your hand and draw a cut on it? No one will believe you if you keep lying! Just go back to @TeenLeoLion or @ThisCatSimon.

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He’s broken the TOS twice now because of Alt Evasion.

He can’t, they have both been suspended for breaking the TOS (underage and alt evasion).

It’s just a matter of time before this one gets suspended.


I thought so.

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Stop! Please just… stop. This is just embarrassing. We know it’s you, Simon. Please, don’t make this worse for yourself.

Not that I disagree, obviously, but I really don’t think you needed to repeat what other people already said several hours prior.

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