I’ve been softlocked by infections!

Infections are killing my save file at the moment. I used to be able to beat them no problems by just making my heroes better, but now, they level up with you. My team sits at roughly levels 107-108, some are in purple tier while some are orange tier (my strongest hero is O2 and my weakest is P0) and most my heroes are around 3-4 stars.

My infections, however, are level 120, O5 heroes at 5 stars, so of course I can’t beat them. I’ve been trying to improve my heroes but the infections keep leveling up with me. I’m now currently at the point where it is not possible for me to get any more badge bits for any of my heroes. I can level them up and level up their skills, but then the infections will just level up too.

How do I clear these infections so I can progress again? I’ve been stuck for weeks now.

I meant to add, I put this in the feedback forum just so the devs are aware this is an issue for some players. Upon looking in the global chat in game I saw I’m not the only one struggling with this issue.

I heard people saying if you kept losing the team would get easier.

Problem is infected areas were removed from the game but people who hadn’t cleared them before would still have them. As they removed infected areas we don’t have anti virus items anymore so you can’t even auto clear them

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Adding on to what Cozta mentioned, every time you lose a fight to an infected area, its level should go down by one. Given what you’ve said about their levels vs. yours, you should be able to clear them fairly easily after losing 10-20 times; start with the areas that will let you rank up your best heroes, and maybe you’ll find the other areas easier to clear.

I’ve stopped paying attention to whether they’re still being offered regularly, to be honest, although I did notice one offer for them about a month ago. They could have been removed from the rotation since then, though.

@Polaris, is there any chance anti-virus items can be offered as one of the daily diamond bundles, perhaps appearing roughly 5% of the time (once a week, given normal luck)?

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It’s not going down in level or anything. At all. It’s just getting stronger as my team gets stronger.

It’s not all infected areas that get lower if you lose once. If you lose a battle against a specific node, it’s only that node that gets a lower level. It might take some time to lower the levels of all the nodes, because you have to lose every single infected area one by one, multiple times.

I’ve tried and failed many times at many infected levels. The enemies are not getting weaker like they used to. They just stay at the same level, stars and rank. But then if I try to level up my heroes or strengthen them in other ways, the enemies in the infected levels also get stronger, so they are always out of my reach.

I just tried it myself: infected heroes were at level 252, I started an attack and immediately retreated, the infected heroes are now at level 251. Sounds like you need to contact support and tell them the infected heroes’ levels are not going down with each loss as they should be.

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Alright I wasn’t sure how to do that, hence why I started a thread here. But I’ll have another look, thank you!

So I just got weird results as well-
Started at ch:9 lvl 4. Enemies at 113 O5

  1. retreated -went down 1
    2 )same thing -went down 1
  2. ran a team of white heroes and they lost- went down by 1
  3. repeat- went up to 115!!
    So reset my test;
  4. retreated right away - went down 1 to 114
  5. same- went down 1 to 113
  6. fielded white heroes to lose- stayed 113
  7. same -stayed 113
  8. same - stayed 113

Now I am piqued, gonna try running variables of losing

They do go down a level each time you lose I tested it on Chapter 7.

Tried different infected nodes and some would not change at all, I found one that started at 115, and by retreating right away got it down to 110 but then it was back to 115. I got some loses and it dropped to 113 and now its frozen- neither losses nor retreats have an affect.

This is where I’m at, none of mine are lowering at all no matter how much I lose. Support just told me to try different heroes and continue powering up my heroes, even though I’m not in a position to do that. Like I literally can’t. Hopefully they’ll respond again soon :slight_smile:

Update: support did give me some antivirus items which is great! But the only gave me 5, which is definitely not enough lol. But it’s been enough to start progressing again, which is great! Thanks everyone for your help

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