Im making some new concepts

The characters I’m going to be making concepts for are.
Bingo and Bandit (Bluey).
Dylan(101 Dalmatian Street).
Dolly(101 Dalmatian Street).
Dante(101 Dalmatian Street).
Cruella de vil(101 Dalmatians).
Star butterfly(Star vs the forces of evil).
March hare(Alice in wonder land).
Dipper pines(Gravity falls).
Mabel(Gravity falls) .
Bill cypher(Gravity falls).
Wander (wander over yonder).
Non Disney characters.
Dexter(Dexters lab).
K.O(O.k k.o).
Ed(Ed Edd and Eddy).
Puss in boots.
Crazy Dave(pvz).
Pip (South Park )

I’m also going to make Rabbit (Winnie the Pooh).

And yes i know ludo studios own bluey not Disney

I made bluey click on my profile and click activities

Maybe slow down with your hero concepts

I madeBandit and Bingo

But I have only made two concepts

I hope you do this next, Star vs the forces of evil was a very good show for me, and I hope you could try to think of ways to import her spells as skills.


OK but right now I’m working on Dante, so I’ll do butterfly after and I’m still watching the show

OK, that’s fine. Continue doing what you’re doing, I can wait. Also I’m exited to see what you can think of with these concepts! I made my own one too about Luz from the owl house, but I’m still impressed by the amount of hero concepts you came up with!

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Dante will probably come out tomorrow

I made Dante

Oh, nice! I read it and I like the concept you made @muppets! I appreciate the thought you have while making these!

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I’m going to replace kuzco. Go vote here Replace

Vote for two more concepts for me to make Here

I made pip click my profile and go to activities

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