Invasion rewards votation

I wants to know how many users feel bad with the new invasion rewards, and maybe we can ask for little improve them, exp hold is really needed for not full or vip users, maybe if we sign in we can ask please, make it half good, but don’t kill the event


The nerf of invasion rewards are ridiculous. The mods only give minor improvements to the heroes, so personally I’d like it to revert back to the way it was. A long time was spent “perfecting” invasion on 2 servers, yet even after achieving “perfection” and releasing it to all servers, you adjust the prizes. I don’t get it


Well, how many users feel bad? You can check the Invasion Tiers topic to see, it has 100+ replies. So, I guess, a lot :sweat_smile:

For that I said make a votarían, or sign in to see if someone listen us. @Polaris

Made this. You can gues how I feel.


Thanks for the feedback, but please keep all discussion about the Invasion reward change in one thread. Thanks!

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