Is dash op or not?

Regardless, how long does it take for Gaston to get his green off?

Lemme check

3 seconds (10)

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. . . Really?

I know that it’s counterable. This thread’s purpose is to analyze and try to understand why Ducky & Bunny it so powerful (obvious.) I posted with the full knowledge that the method wasn’t guaranteed to work.


Bo peep in right team rips right through him

Ok mal bo bogo Calhoun disk etc pumba joy in and if bunny is at front now jafar how many more would you like lol

I didn’t understand that at all.


Mal bo joy timon bogo and now jafar all can counter it.

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Not really. Jafar has to be really lucky to get enough energy to Charm D&B before their blue goes off.

There is likely a Tank on the enemy team, which will most likely have more health than Ducky & Bunny, so she won’t target them with her green. Her blue also won’t activate soon enough.

. . . Hakuna Matata grants Armor. D&B’s blue deals Fantastic Damage. Plus, immunity to crits doesn’t do a lot, considering that it does colossal damage without critting.

Once again, if he doesn’t have his Calhoun Disk, Bogo most likely won’t aim for D&B with his green. Even if he does have the disk, D&B’s evasion stat can ignore the stun.


What I mean is, Gaston can stun (or charm, even better) D&B right after the lazer. He survives bc he’s linked with Meg. Hiro has a chance to dodge the lazer, but even if he doesn’t, his stats should be enough to survive a single shot (I like placing HP mods on Hiro btw). Then he would drop his bot, which is really powerful by itself, stuns, and would especially make D&B turn back. Megabot has enough HP to give Merlin the time to squirrel the deadly duo, which would make things much easier. Joy is a great support, and she has a huge reality buff to the whole team. Meg can silence the enemy with the most SP and charm 3 enemies, other than defending and buffing Gaston. The 3 controls can also deal some good damage, with those disks. Am I missing something?

The major problem is S19, where the best control heroes are Finnick and Tia Dalma. Why PerBlue would add them there is anyone’s guess.


Agreed. (10)

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Why isn’t it letting me in the game i updated the game and it is still not letting me in

I onlu posted this since the update thread is closed now

The server is still being updated.

Oh usally it took a few minutes to finish the update

Hey Pipsqueak just wanted to thank you for being informed and experienced. I’ve already learned a lot about the game from reading your comments wherever they happen to pop up. Really appreciate it even if I’m now a bit bothered that the balance system is uh, apparently non-existent. You always have good info to share at least.


No problem! I try to be helpful & nice :slight_smile:


Have you met jafar?


:joy: Haha yep, put the Scar disk on Jafar and it makes D&B look cute…and the cycle will go on and on.

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