Is power crafting calculating gold looted correctly?

When I power craft, it says I use few hundred thousand gold but looted over a million but I still lose money. How is that possible? I have lost millions due to this odd calculation. Am I missing something? Even if gold is not required, it will say a loot a million but my gold barely goes up. Very confusing. Please let me know if something wrong.

The gold it shows will be used is in addition to any gold received as loot. ie. if it shows 400k to craft and you looted 600k, the actual crafting cost was 1m. Or, if it shows 0 cost to craft and you looted 1m, the actual cost to craft was 1m or less.


@Pipsqueak is correct; I broke down the costs of crafting one specific badge step by step in this thread and compared it to power crafting, if you want to study the details.

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