True Love’s Kiss - Giselle Likely Hero Concept (#2, Updated)

Giselle Hero Concept

Description - Giselle graces the battlefield with her fairy-tale charm, supporting allies with her enchanting presence and animal companions.

Stars - 1

Role - Support

Position - Back-line

Trial Team - Yellow

Quote - Disenchanted: “Mirror, mirror in her hand who is the most blatantly insecure woman whose constant need to ask her reflection for validation suggests that what she really needs to do is to love herself… in all the land?”
Enchanted: “I wish you every happiness.”

Entrance - Giselle twirls onto the battlefield.

Victory - Giselle claps excitedly.

Defeat - Giselle sobs into her hands.

Basic Attack: Apple Toss - Giselle throws apples at enemies.

White Skill - Calling All Animals
Giselle sings out, calling pigeons to swoop down from the sky and bombard the enemies. dealing X damage. One enemy gets stunned and the rest have their accuracy lowered.
True Damage :dart:

Green Skill - True Love’s Kiss
Giselle blows a kiss, healing the ally on her team with the least amount of health. This also shields them for 2 seconds.

Blue Skill - Makeshift Prince
Giselle calls out to animals, who rush in and build a fake prince statue that distracts the enemies.

Purple Skill - Enchanted Elegance
Giselle’s presence boosts morale, increasing attack speed and energy gain.

Red Skill - Disenchanted Reality
When Giselle’s health drops below a certain point, she gets boosts.

  • +X Skill Power
  • +Y Armor
  • +Z Reality


Friendship 1: Giselle/Belle
Disk - Magical Tome
Campaign - Mystery Enchantments
Summary - Belle and Giselle discover that random objects have become enchanted and start going crazy. They decide to help the victims of these magical mishaps and unravel the mysterious enchantments.
Allies - Mickey Mouse, Merlin, Genie
Stat Boost - +X Basic Attack
Star Effect - Each star level increases True Love’s Kiss shield by 2 seconds.

Friendship 2: Giselle/Evil Queen
Disk - Sour Apple
Campaign - An Apple a Day
Summary - The Evil Queen tried to trick Giselle into eating a poisoned apple, but Giselle refuses because of her traumatizing experiences with poisoned apples. So, The Evil Queen continues her deceit but tries different fruits.
Allies - Chip and Dale, Snow White, Rapunzel
Stat Boost - +X Reality
Star Effect - 5% chance that Apple Toss “poisons” the enemy, causing damage overtime. Each star level increases that chance by 5%!

Thanks for reading my second Hero Concept! I know it hasn’t been long since I’ve made the Percy Jackson Hero Concept, but I’ve been working on these concepts for a long time, I just decided to create them on DHBM Forums now.


I’m not going to beat around the bush here… there is a lot about this concept that needs improving. All of the skills are both very vague and way too simple, the Purple and especially Red skills don’t make sense because those are supposed to be passive bonuses and not entirely new effects, your Red Skill and Friendship Disks are missing the stat boosts, and the overall formatting isn’t the easiest to read.

I would highly suggest reading this guide for some more advice on how to make detailed concepts.


I’ve updated the concept! It’s much better now!

I admittedly don’t remember what the concept looked like originally, but based on what I see of it now… it still needs a lot of work. The skills are still way too lacking in detail. How long do all of the debuffs/buffs last? How much of an attack speed boost does the Purple Skill give? What specific boosts does Giselle get from the Red Skill?

Please seriously read/reread the guide I linked last time if you want to really bolster your concept.

Listen, I understand where you are coming from, but honestly, I think I did and have been doing a great job on my concepts, especially for a beginner. Length and amount don’t really matter in my opinion, because often they are just random numbers. I will try my best to get better, but there isn’t much else I can do for this concept since it is the best it will be, unless someone finds out how to calculate the amount of time something lasts but make the numbers realistic and also not random. Also, I have read the guide you linked from top to bottom a hundred times and that guide is what helped me update this concept. I do not think it needs a lot of work or much work at all. It’s great.

Also, I love getting feedback, but please don’t be so rude. This is only my second real concept and I know I have a lot more to learn. Please be a little more specific as well. Thanks!

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