I've Been Dreaming of a True Loves Kiss - Giselle Hero Concept

“I’ve been dreaming of a true loves kiss, and a prince I’m hoping comes with this…”
Though she is a Disney character older than Turning Red, Giselle has not been added to Disney Heroes Battle Mode! Well, here, I will talk about my ideas for a Giselle character!

Name - Giselle
Role - Charm\Damage
Starting Star Number - 1 :star2:
Trial Color - Yellow
Introduction - Prize Wall
Basic Power - Poisoned Apple Throw
Quote - Disenchanted: “Mirror, mirror in her hand who is the most blatantly insecure woman whose constant need to ask her reflection for validation suggests that what she really needs to do is to love herself… in all the land?”
Enchanted - “But dreams do come true. And maybe something wonderful will happen.”
Entrance - Twirls into the battle field and waves.
Victory - Claps excitedly
Defeat - Cries into her hands.
Look - Cartoon Giselle. Dress: True Loves Kiss Dress.
Costume Wedding Giselle or Curtain Dress Giselle.

White power ⚪ - Calling All Animals:
                             Calls animals that attack the enemy, dealing basic damage.

Green Power 🉑 - Makeshift Prince:
                          Creates a prince out of random things. This sheilds her for basic shield time.

Blue Power 🔵 - Poisoned Apples, Anyone?:
                        Throws a poisoned apple that will detonate near an enemy dealing basic damage.

Purple Power 🆔 - True Loves Kiss:
                           Blows a kiss. This heals Giselle and her teammates.

Red Power 🔴 - Wishing Apple
                       Eats a wishing apple and wishes for a hero to be revived.


Friendship #1 - Aurora\Giselle
Allies #1 - Prince Phillip, Ariel, 22
Disk #1 - “Saved By a Kiss”
Boosts True Loves Kiss’ healing.
Friendship #2 - Cinderella\Giselle
Allies #2 - Fairy Godmother, Chip and Dale, Gadget
Disk #2 - “Animal Help”
Boosts Calling All Animals damage.

Thank you for reading! Please add Giselle in the game soon!

Keep an eye out for my next hero concept: Isabella

P.s many stats like damage are very vague because I do not know exactly how much damage\time and other reasons.

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I’m not going to beat around the bush here… there is a lot about this concept that needs improving. All of the skills are both very vague and way too simple, the Purple and especially Red skills don’t make sense because those are supposed to be passive bonuses and not entirely new effects, your Red Skill and Friendship Disks are missing the stat boosts, and the overall formatting isn’t the easiest to read.

I would highly suggest reading this guide for some more advice on how to make detailed concepts.


Well I do not understand everything. But I will try and improve. I may need to understand things like that more, but I think the ideas are good.

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