Jumba’s Experiment Appreciation

Yes. In the show, we find out Jumba made 627 and 628. We saw 627 activated and we only ever saw 628 in pod form. Then we got Leroy which you can say is 629.

I know way too much about Lilo and Stitch lol.

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What is experiment 630?

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An experiment on wiki named
Dark end


The pod was locked up by the grand council woman


Yeah but that’s from the anime so in my mind it doesn’t count.

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But it’s canon

I know. But in my mind (and many people’s as well), the animes don’t count. Many people don’t like the anime. The premise is bad. I love that the world loves Stitch and wanted their own show, but they took out Lilo and their explanation wasn’t good. And if you want to discuss the anime, then we can discuss it elsewhere. This is for Jumba’s experiments!

Yeah, you’re allowed to have your own personal opinion on what counts and what doesn’t.

For instance, I’m one of those who pretends that the Aladdin sequels never happened.


Because Alladin sequels aren’t Canon

There’s a sneak peek of the next experiment I will teach you about somewhere on the forum in another popular thread that isn’t one of mine.

If you find it, don’t spoil it!

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You do? You just pretend Jafar is still alive? Granted, the art style was sloppy especially in Alladin 2, but…still

You really shouldn’t pick and choose what is canon…

image https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/stitchipediaalilostitch/images/0/0f/523_Slushy.png/revision/latest?cb=20180620050234
Experiment 523, Slushy, was designed to make ice and snow. Before turning good, he would attack others with his powers. He could also make massive snowstorms. His one true place is selling shaved ice with Dupe (another experiment)!


This is one cool experiment.


I hope you will post Expiriment 056 here.

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I was just joking Stitch is the grand Expiriment who is in our game Disney Heroes:Battle Mode


I agree @TherMasterStitch

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I’ll get to all the experiments soon! Patience! Haha

This experiment is a very sweet one!

Experiment 052, aka Coco, was designed to turn things into chocolate! His one true place is as Lilo’s birthday present.

He appeared in the “Disney Adventures” comics.

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Turns things into chocolate?

Where can I hire him?


I would love to own all the Experiments! This one would be awesome! Have him touch my homework and then I eat it. Then tell the teacher “I ate my homework.”


Idk about this, it could be like the Midas’ touch but with chocolate instead…could be a bad idea…

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