Jumba’s Experiment Appreciation

Ok look there’s multiple similarities between the 2

•Both being Blue
•Anthropomorphic Animal-ish
•both have big eyes
•they both turn into a Ball to move sometimes
•They both have fought Evil versions of themselves (Leroy, & Shadow)
•Both the evil versions were some what manipulated by a Mad Doctor
(Dr. Robotnic/EggMan & Dr.Hamsterviel)
•They both make fun of the Doctors by calling them names such as Eggman & Dr.Hamsterwheel
•Both have a lot of friends/Family that are multi colored
• Both have Pink Love interests
(Amy & Angel)
• Both have Advanced abilities
(Strength & Speed)
•Are somewhat inspired by Musicians
(Sonic- Michael Jackson)
(Stitch- Elvis Presley)
•Their Partners/Sidekick can sometimes be annoying
(Tails & Lilo)
•Both their rivals have clones
(Leroy Clones & Shadow Androids/Clones)

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I am gonna wait for @TherMasterStitch before I comment on that. :neutral_face:


Well tbh That’s a lot of similarities

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So we have a Disney version of Sonic?


Haha well the movie came out in 2002 but Chris Sanders came up with the character Stitch in 1985.

But again, this thread is for Jumba’s experiments! :grin:


Wait, Stitch is THAT old? Wooooooooow

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Tbh I think if we saw Ralph & Stitch Interact then Ralph would probably think Stitch was Sonic

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Since Animal Crossing: New Horizons officially releases today and I love the series, I thought I would celebrate by also celebrating Experiment 320 aka Cloudy!
Designed to make people feel sad with his constant rain, his one true place is watering the produce at Mrs. Hasagawa’s fruit stand.


Man, Jumba really does brew up a storm when it comes to experiments.


Lets make this application thread ALIVE. and why did i not know about this sooner?

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How many more do we need?

Are you keeping this dead or do u want to continue @TherMasterStitch?

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I’ve been a bit busy so we’ll see but I hope to do more soon!

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10 characters

Sorry for reviving, although this is one of my favorite threads to scroll thru sometimes… I hope this counts as continuing the conversation in a good manner. Today is 3/11, and today’s experiment would be…

Yellowstone! Yellowstone’s power is to turn things a vulgar shade of yellow. His tail is a paintbrush!

I hope this is a good revive

I also wanted to revive it to keep TherMaster’s passion alive

Some experiments aren’t change and its still bad like Leroy. Some experiments are change to be good from bad shapes like stitch

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Well, in Leroy and Stitch… all of the experiments are turned good! Leroy is just a boosted clone of Stitch

Speaking of Leroy and Stitch, during the climax of the movie, you’ll notice Timon and Pumbaa with the experiments.

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