Kayl0's characters

So here I will put hero concepts every once in a while, I’ll put them here so I don’t spam the forums…


:star2: :star2:
Role: control
Position: mid


Basic attack: jafar hits a enemy with his staff dealing 235 damage.
Entrance: jafar comes from a big ball of dust , and then walks to his position.
Victory: jafar holds his staff up.
K.O: jafar drops his staff, and it snaps.

White: out of time.
When jafar energy is full he puts a big hour glass on the furthest enemy tunning them for 7 seconds.

Green: snake like
Jafar turns into a snake pushing two of the closest enemies to the back of the battlefield
Dealing 356 damage.

Jafar holds his staff near the closet enemy takes over a enemy controlling them for 7 seconds.

Purple: great sorcerer
Jafers “snake like” an push 3 enemies

Has a chance to fail against enemies level higher then 21.


In progress.

Hello everyone, you can post your concepts here as well I you want but make sure they are Disney and have a chance to come if not please don’t,

If you have any requests for me to make then just ask and for fun sometimes I may make people so don’t forget to ask.



Della duck!

:star2: :star2: :star2:
Role: tank
Position: front


Basic attack: Della kicks a enemy dealing 124 damage

Entrance: Della jumps out of her ship landing in her spot.

Victory: Della Smiles as she walks to her ship in the background.

K.O: Della falls to the ground face first, then looks at a picture and dropss it

White: the spear
When Della’s energy is full she gets her space ship to fall on the furthest energy dealing 257 damage.

Green: chewing gum
Della heals herself 365 health every 341 damage taken.

Once every wave Della goes through the battlefield in her spaceship hitting all enemies dealing 563 damage

Purple: better mother.
Della gives herself 3727 armor .


Della & Mrs. I
Being a mother.
Unlocks at level 81
Chewing gum now gives her shield for 8 seconds


Wow that’s really cool!

1 Like


Thank you!

I think that Jafar would be a great addition to the game, I pictured him more of a 3 star character but 2 is fine. I also don’t think Jafar is really that powerful if you look at him. Maybe make him more powerful and go from there

He is a control hero not a damage so power is not what he needs that much.

You need some work with grammar.
And you can’t make the damage specific. It has to change the higher the skill is. And level caps are also like this. They increase the more the skills are leveled up. Also what is “controlling” them. That is basically a charm. Entrances and Victories shouldn’t include buildings/structures. Also why write “when energy is full”? Everyone knows how and when to use a white skill. There are more things I don’t like but I won’t say because I am lazy right now

But honestly @KayIa, I just don’t like your concepts

Yes I do need work with grammar ( I speak Spanish)

Yes I its basically charm

I do that just in case they didn’t know…

Fair enough.


Were you born in Mexico cause I speak Spanish too but am fluent in both languages

Nope America

Same. But how are you not fluent?

cough cough That is perfect English :wink:

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@KayIa unfortunately, this skill would make her invincible unless it has some timer/cooldown. :wink:


It’s called autocorrect @Champion_David, it’s my keyboard’s archenemy. Autocorrect is stupid

How did you do that?

Go to *disccobot fun and ask him start advanced user

Never heard of Della Duck

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Chip and dale


:star2: :star2: :star2:
Role: damage
Position: back


Basic attack: chip and dale throw acorns at enemies dealing 342 damage.

Entrance: a tree grows after the tree is full they jump out.

Victory: chip and dale jump up happy

K.O: chip and dale fall onto the ground crying.

White: chew chew.
Chip and dale ride a train through the middle of the battle field dealing 423 damage and pushing back enemies at the end of the ride they jump out and run back to their spots.

Green: acorn rush (fantastic damage)
When chip and dale reach 0 health a wave of acorns go through the enemies dealing 536 fantastic damage and stunning all enemies

Stun has a chance to fail against enemies level higher then 21

Blue: acorn smash.
Chip and dale jump on a tree shooting acorns at the furthest enemies dealing 452 damage.

Purple: good ride
Chip and dale give themself 2325 health


Chip and dale& goofy.
“Keep bouncing”
Unlocks a level 81
Chew chew gives them self a shield.


Chip and Dale are so cute!



Role: support/control?
Position: back.

Quote: “I’m a lady that’s why.”


Basic: none

Entrance: Marie runs, then trips to her spot.

Victory: Marie smiles .

K.O.: Marie fall backwards onto her face

White: sapphire eyes
Marie jumps in front of her allies and looks at 2 enemies charming them for 5 seconds.

Green: I’m a lady
Marie shields herself for 8 seconds

Blue: your song
Marie sings stunning 3 enemies for 3 seconds

Purple: very romantic
Purple heals herself 352 health.


Marie& Alice
“Older then you think”
Unlocks at level 72
I’m a lady now can shield her allies for 6 seconds.

Tell me what you think of the concept

And if it should be a support or control.

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