So here I will put hero concepts every once in a while, I’ll put them here so I don’t spam the forums…
Role: control
Position: mid
Basic attack: jafar hits a enemy with his staff dealing 235 damage.
Entrance: jafar comes from a big ball of dust , and then walks to his position.
Victory: jafar holds his staff up.
K.O: jafar drops his staff, and it snaps.
White: out of time.
When jafar energy is full he puts a big hour glass on the furthest enemy tunning them for 7 seconds.
Green: snake like
Jafar turns into a snake pushing two of the closest enemies to the back of the battlefield
Dealing 356 damage.
Jafar holds his staff near the closet enemy takes over a enemy controlling them for 7 seconds.
Purple: great sorcerer
Jafers “snake like” an push 3 enemies
Has a chance to fail against enemies level higher then 21.
In progress.
Hello everyone, you can post your concepts here as well I you want but make sure they are Disney and have a chance to come if not please don’t,
If you have any requests for me to make then just ask and for fun sometimes I may make people so don’t forget to ask.