Last few friendship disks looks like the until next update

Shank fully upgraded gives 1000 (full) starting energy!

HL is more situational

Definitely Shank unless you go against Mim (or you have a maxed RS Hatter to pair her with).

But first she needs good stats :grimacing:


Only says 125 for me. Which is 625 at 5 stars.


Yes it was changed with update. Still the better one if you count all that skill power

Granted the Honey disk is now better in a lot of stats… like reducing her timing to only 1 sec probably instead of 4 sec and improved healing and BD plus the 2 extra stacks of Hardy


Best disk for Winifred?

  • Mary
  • Demona

0 voters

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If you have joy with red skill demonas is probably better as Mary can mass overheal.

Gonna do the other sisters soon once Sarah releases

Best disk for Mary?

  • LSB
  • Sarah

0 voters

Best disk for Sarah?

  • Winifred
  • Evil Queen

0 voters

I find it funny that the best disks for the sisters are the disks from their sisters, except for Mary

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Mary’s Sarah disk doesn’t look awful, but the LSB one sounds broken… I mean unconditioned Hex at start? It’s have maxed Hatter or die

I only didn’t vote the Sarah one because it can help the enemies after the charm ends
Starting hex is only good against certain characters with maxed disks that grant them energy

Not really. Pretty much every single fight I do has many of both my heroes and enemies using white skill in 6 seconds. Just earlier I had an enemy Wasabi use it twice in that time (without any energy support)


Sometimes they use it within 6 seconds, sometimes it takes a while

ironically, this disk is probably designed to counter Zeus [Ha]… who is also pretty much countered only by maxed Hatter :thinking:

Reflect. Joy. Timon.

oh I don’t care about the damage, it’s small, but being stunned at the start of battle is annoying

Never fought a modded one Ig

Damage can easily one-shot the whole team if not countered


+100M damage is small? Since when

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