Last Top 1% on server 9 is now 64

server 9 has fared slightly better than the older ones this week, then… by a couple of % :sweat_smile:

79 as of sever #1.

I thought at first: That’s not so bad, in the last guild contest we (S2) had about 600 active guilds, an uptick from 500, actually.
But then I realized you’re talking players, not guilds.

42nd was last top 1% on S2 in the abysmal Pirate contest.

Only thing server 2 has really had early access to was Collections and it was barely 2 weeks before that went to all servers. Considering the cap at the time was 8 and just recently went to 12 for all, there’s really not much difference.

Server 3 however…they had early access to mods, WITH the original higher awards. Wouldn’t be a fair merge there.

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Ah I couldn’t remember what each server had first, if it was only collections then maybe 2 and 4 could merge?

On server 12 it’s worse I believe 50 odd

I didn’t see what it was this week, but last week 1% went to at least 403 (because that was my rank.) On server 19.

Let’s face it. Even after the server merge in server 5 I still see plenty of people leaving everyday. Already the top guilds in our (merged!) server are losing members and having trouble maintaining a full guild. Many established guilds are slowly vanishing too. It won’t be long until we’re back to square 1 again.
So in the end I predict that not even a server merge can save the game, as that is literally just shoving the problem until a later date without offering a lasting solution. The same reason people left the game before the server merge, is the same reason they are leaving now. Nothing has changed. Fast level cap increases, constant grinding, overpowered new heroes useless daily rewards and the list goes on.

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