Legoshi concept

Legoshi concept


Stars at beginning: :star2: :star2:
Role: Damage
Position: Front
Team: Yellow

Entrace: Legoshi slowly walks into his position, during his walk he looks around.
Victory: Legoshi gently smiles
Defeat: Terrified Legoshi sits on ground, heads down and cover his eyes with hands.

Basic attack: Legoshi hits closest enemy with his claws.

White skill: Primitive instinct :sparkles:
Legoshi jumps to furtherst enemy, scaring all enemies for 10 seconds and dealing to the enemy X damage. He then stays in this place.
If Legoshi KO’ed the enemy while using this skill he gain 20 tenacity for remainder of wave, up to 100 tenacity.

Green skill: Spotlight controller :sparkles:
Legoshi turns on spotlight, blinds all enemies for 12 seconds and dealing to them X damage.

Blue skill: Rule to protect
Every 6 seconds when enemy attempts to damage closest ally to Legoshi, he protects the ally, preventing from getting damage and instead Legoshi receive 50% of the damage.
Legoshi then receives shield which have X HP and lasts for 8 seconds, while shielded Legoshi ignores disables.

Purple skill: Sharp claws :fist:
Legoshi to addition to his basic attack damage deal X normal damage over 5 seconds to enemy.
Everytime when an ally or enemy KO’d Legoshi’s attack and movement speed increase by 15%

Red skill: Not scary as you think
At beginning of each wave enemies are scared for 12 seconds.
Each of Legoshi’s basic attack remove X reality from enemy to rest of the wave.

[Rule to protect] grants protected from damage ally 5 stacks of Hardy and becomes invincible for 5 seconds.

The invincibility and hardy stacks have a chance to fail on allies above level X.


Beast - Inner Beast


Powerful basic attacks

  • +X basic damage
  • +X armor
  • Basic attacks ignore 20% of enemy’s armor (+20% per star)
  • Basic attacks deal 50% more damage (+50% per star)
  • Every 3rd basic attack stuns enemy for 1 second (+1s per star)

Finnick - Calm your emotions


Longer team buffs

  • +X basic damage
  • +X HP
  • [Rule to protect] have 0.5 second shorter cooldown (+0.5s per star)
  • Allies’ buffs lasts for 10% longer (+10% per star)
  • Allies receive 3% less damage per each active buff on themselves, up to 50% reduction. (+3% less damage per star)
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