Marvel Series Poll

Marvel won on my last poll, so now it’s time for what kind of Marvel I should do now!
(Heroes won last time so they are absent)

  • Anti-Heroes
  • Villains
  • Spider-Verse (New Poll)

0 voters

Villains for sure. My first vote is Loki. I think he would be a awesome one to start with. Probably charms and invisibility to really make him a full on trickster

Is Loki full villain though?

Like yes he was but he did slightly change and feels kind of like an antihero now

But yeah villains! Hela! Hela yeah!

couldn’t resist :joy:

Loki is a anti hero, but it’s his charisma that makes him a fantastic character. You never know which side he’s on and yeah, Hela is a great idea. She’s awesome, and much more evil, lol

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