Memory disk shop

Why do I get the same memories for the same old heroes every day and when I refresh? I’m clearly not interested in buying them… Why don’t new memories ever come up in this shop? :triumph:

My question is, why is it that seemingly every time I have a disk that’s fewer than 5 Memories away from getting its fifth star, it’s in the shop that same day? It’s not like I can do anything with excess memories once I’ve reached five stars…


Disks over level 7 will show up more in the market, so newer disks need to be leveled up first.


Well then there’s a bug cause the disks I’m looking for are above lvl 7

And the ones showing up in the market?

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You know what? I just got what you meant and you were right lol
I thought you meant lvl 7 and above in friendship lvl not like the disk lvl up thingy. Im dumb xD
I leveled up every disk I wanted and they all showed up in the shop, thanks

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No problem! Glad I could help :slight_smile:

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