Merry Cookiemas unpikely concept

Eggnog Cookie

Stars: :star:
Trial Team: Red
Role: Back-line Support

“Seeing young cookies happy makes me happy! HAHAHO!”

Ahh, the end of the year, filled with love as always! He secretly sneaks gifts into the socks by young Cookies’ bedsides, hiding behind tables or even disguising himself to stay out of sight!

Entrance: Jumps in the chimney and into position
Victory: Laughs merrily
Defeat: Lies down while holding a teddy bear toy

Basic Attack: Throws a toy att the enemy, dealing X damage

White Skill: The gift of giving
He activates the mechanic chosen by the player, if on auto, use them ordinally
Grandma disguise: Disguises as a grandma and nits a sweater, healing the most damaged ally by X health and increasing the other heroes attack, armor and speed by X
Behind the tree: Puts a tree in front of him, gaining invincible for 4 seconds and healing all allies by X HP
Under the Chair Hides under the chair left by him, dodging qa melee of attack and healing all allies by 5 seconds

Green Skill: The Present
Merry Hat turns a random enemy into a present for 3 seconds, healing all allies and increasing his basic attack by X

Blue Skill: Best time of the year
At the start of each wave, throws snow at all enemies, freezing them for 3 seconds and decreasing their speed by X

Purple Skill: All presents filled with love are treasures to me
Whenever all of the mechanics from the skill The gift of giving is used, deals X damage to all enemies for 4 seconds

Red Skill: Merry Cookiesmas
Best time of the year now heals all allies by 3 seconds. The Present now gains a shield that has 40% of his Max HP.

  • Skill Power
  • Tenacity
  • Armor

Battle Badge

Charge Condition: Study is applied to enemies
Stat Buff: + Attack
Lineup Buff: + Evasion per Support Ally
Effect Buff: Team Shield


Eggnog Cookie/ Santa Chungus
Campaign: The more the merrier
Allies: Hercules, Goofy, Yzma
Disk: The gift of Chungus
Disk Effect:
+Skill Power

Eggnog Cookie/ Zeus
Campaign: Better gifting
Allies: Violet, Buzz Lightyear, Hamm
Disk: Clouded Gifts
Disk Effect:
+Basic Attack
+Skill Power

You could’ve picked a better quote :sweat_smile:

Good concept

I also thought so after seeibg @Tragic-Magic’s concept

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