Mickey appreciation thread

There’s a very hidden Easter egg. It’s eaiser here since I cropped it though. Can you find it?

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Mickey’s dog Pluto! Pluto would be fun especially since Mickey is here! Oh I have a Minnie one:


Yay one that I can’t point out a weird thing about

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Yay! Nothing weird about it!

How’s your Mickey? Mine is weak. I’m trying to promote him and my other heroes though!

Mickeys the best

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Just be like this about Micky it’s all happy smile into space with him

That’s because one more star or maybe do skills if those don’t work I think it is because he’s support

Yeah. I’m planning to upgrade Mickey to orange 0 at least along with my other heroes. I don’t use Mickey often but he’s a great hero still!

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Yeah I get you yes good

Do you think Mickey Mouse’s favorite candy is M&M’s?

Mickey Easter egg!

Hmm, those just look like circles to me (it’s a joke)

Mike birthday party yeah!!! Who wants to come to Mikey’s birthday party

Party! But I think Mickey stole Pooh’s red balloon!

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image https://thumbs.gfycat.com/GlassOrganicAtlanticspadefish-max-1mb.gif
My reaction when I see a panda. :panda_face::panda_face::panda_face:

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It’s probably not but I’m considering this as an upside down hidden Mickey :icecream:


I think, this would be a good avatar to celebrate Mickey Mouse & Halloween :slight_smile:





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Ok so on Halloween to celebrate just carve the pumpkin in a shape of mikey

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