Nerf and buff list

That’s gotta be one of the worst excuse for a nerf I’ve ever heard.

Just because the IRL counterpart is fragile doesn’t mean that slinky should be too. I don’t find him a main issue thanks to Dash (Vi) and Buzz’s red skill.


I’ll take that as a No then, you have obviously never played with a slinky where just one extension means it never goes back again. Every slinky dog I have ever seen is crooked and crinked. In the movie woody actually hurts him during the rescue yet in game that is the big move…
But IRL and source shouldn’t matter to game design right?!? Because… what is your logic again? That you wanted to gotcha so you did- without thinking about your position? Yeah probably.

Having RS buzz and Dash with high friendships; sure that is always available during an Invasion…
let me just insert them into whatever CW team I am running, no worries about synergy…
Sometimes just because you are that good its not a problem doesn’t mean OTHER PEOPLE don’t struggle sometimes.

Sometimes the urge to get a zinger in is just mean spirited. There is a 747 Jumbo-liner of tongue in cheek facetiousness in my original post that went right over your head.
Appreciate your advice on what heroes work against ol slink dawg but next time keep the attack and better than thou to yourself- it contributes to a toxic atmosphere on the forums.

Back to what i said only maximus and sadness needs a nerf

What kind of excuses are these…


They are totally silly ones… which is apparent if one isn’t out looking for nits to pick or gotchas, just have to read the context and subject.

What are you getting at?
Why even bother with comments like this? To draw enough likes from the rest of the clique to get back to regular status??

Yeah more hostility from the usual suspects that need to mark their territory on every single thread

tries to hold in laughter

The heck? I’ve been doing this since before I lost my regular status. And not many regulars have lost their status due to lack of likes, including me lol

Then what gives?

What do you get out of it?

So you’re saying I shouldn’t point out the errors in your statement? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m not the one ridiculing you. You’re doing that by yourself.


But you didn’t point out anything : you made some vague comments that don’t elucidate or contribute or even offer a shut down
And nobody is ridiculing; including some vague victim shaming manipulative statements to the contrary. Keep your twisting double speak to yourself.
Point out errors all you want; I welcome dialogue and exchange.
But cue the righteous indignation and the personal attacks and I will come back and say your being a jerk and stop it.

Djaq, what you’re doing right now is why three different people started going after you within a small time frame.

Purplemur, I do agree that the heroes you put on your nerf list could stand better reasoning.

EDIT: This doesn’t break any rules, and should not have been flagged.

That wouldn’t be a nerf, because it doesn’t affect his strength. He can be a pain in friend camps though, yeah.

Tron can remove the buffs he gives, heroes like Cheshire with big negation stats can ignore most of it, or you can use Buzz to ignore his shields completely. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is a little vague…?

Not really a reason to nerf a hero. :man_shrugging:

I don’t seen launchpad in the list

He’s not in desperate need of a buff, though he’s not commonly used either.

What’s that means?

It means that he’s not in desperate need of a refresh but I’ll add him to the list.

Tbh. The only change I’d make to Launchpad would be making his active always use both effects


I felt the Zurg emperor was missing from the list of things that need to be improved

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Is Simba and Nala need a buff?

They need a full refresh.


Violet deserves a buff, or even a refresh.

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