New Contest and City Watch

I have been playing for over a year. Back then, it was a struggle to complete City Watch on Easy. I have been using City Watch to work on my Collections. Medium has been unclearable.

So with Red Skills so important, I tried CW on Medium. Still cannot clear Medium. In fact, some days I cannot clear Easy.

I am F2P. And the difficulty has been increasing at the same rate as my strength. Is it me or a plan to drive F2P players out of the game?

So I cannot hope to score much in this contest.


The difficulty of city watch scales up with the power of your top 5 characters. If you want to make it easier you need to work on having a decent top 10 (ideally top 15, to help with coliseum as well).
After a year you should be clearing hard pretty easily. Have a look through the forums, there are plenty of guides that will help you with some new strategies.

Oh. Do you need help with CW? I can give you these two suggestions:

  1. Remove mods and disks from your top heroes before resetting (equip them again after) - the power is decided depending on your top 5, so if they’re weaker when you reset, enemies will be weaker too.

  2. Build some of these characters:

Mulan - obvious reason

Zurg - same reason as Mulan, probably even better in terms of CW. Needs red skill tho.

Dash (with red skill) - Fast, deals good damage and extremely hard to stop. Also free win when there’s a shield guard

Hiro - Starting stun, distraction and respectable damage. If enemies don’t have disable immunity ward, they will rarely beat a line with Hiro that starts with full energy

T&P/Shank (with red skill) - Normal damage counters, they can stop quite a lot of enemies

Launchpad - Massive HP boost to keep alive even the weakest characters

Megara - She can save one ally that you may need in successive stages. Choose the link manually. Sometimes you may want to sacrifice her.

You’ll also need some anti-disable characters, but you don’t necessarily need a specific one.

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I posted this in the Discord server before the contest started and thought I post it here as well, since overall it is a really good combo and/or backup characters that are extra good in City Watch :-).

For those who have any of these 3 characters at a usable level for you I really recommend using them so that you are more likely to clear all the City Watches.
I recommend Nick, Sulley with his Woody disk and Wall-E with his Kevin Flynn disk as they are quite a combo, even though may not need to use them all in every battle if you have a lot of new good characters, but they are good backup to have I think, especially Wall-E.

Here is an older comment I wrote in terms of those 3’s combo together in case curious :-).

Didn’t write it in there it seems, but Sulley can also fully heal the team with his Woody disk at the end of every battle, so that way you always make sure you have full health when starting a new battle :-).

My top 5 is stronger. I can level that out.
The “strategies” have never been actual strategies. Instead they are gambits based on particular heroes.

The game would be improved with half the heroes.

I suggest posting screenshots of what characters you have and we can that way better suggest characters and teams that might help you :-).

What do you mean by “resetting”?
How can Dash have his Red Skill if I cannot play CW at Epic?
I do not pkay at your level. Mulan is strong but not a workd bester, unless you are assuming level, color, badges, etc.

I have never seen Zurg considered strong. I would never have guessed. Again with the Red Skill. I am trying to get to Epic and get Red Slills.

I don’t think removing the mods and disks will do anything to make the City Watch (CW) any easier.

I had THAT same problem, @The_Pascal_King. The tip here is to apply mod upgrades (in invasion and in Challenger) especially from invasion since it is supposedly the easiest method as of now after the tweak in invasion. Next, switch between your top ten heroes and let them gain energy. And based on repeated trial and error, deduce which heroes give you the best outcome (2 heroes KO or 1 hero KO?). The following question in the bracket is an example. Try to save as much heroes as you can, although if any, the best option is NO heroes KO.

Some hero pairings (recommended by me) you can try is Hades (Meg disk), Goofy (Jessie disk) and Jafar (Scar disk) or Pooh (Goofy disk) and Vanellope (Dash disk).

Explanation: Hades, Goofy benefit Jafar’s Whirling Dervish as Goofy’s Jessie disk increases damage dealt to blinded enemies and so does Hades with his Meg disk that increases damage by damage over time skills.

Explanation: Pooh and Vanellope benefit from each other and leave a “long-lasting” relationship as Pooh can slow enemies permanently, and Vanellope can deal more damage to slowed enemies with her Dash disk and with her red skill, she gets a chance to gain energy from damaging a slowed enemy, allowing her to activate her white skill earlier. If Pooh has his Goofy disk, he can heal Vanellope for a percent of his heal.

The tip here is to pair heroes who can benefit each other.

The one thing that I did, especially in the earlier days, was use the early (easier levels) to fill up the energy bars of as many characters as I could that I knew would be useful in the later stages. Healers/shielders/speedsters are especially useful in this way.

That way, when you inevitably hit a stage where you struggle you have a whole load of options for teams to use and you can go into fights with all your best skills available right from the start.

Jessie(Bu), Robin(Ni) and Barbossa(Ti) is a great combo for early CW matches, before Pumbaas appear…
…or maybe not just early. I won a full Epic CW with this team and I only used Mulan’s active once.

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Well… both Jessie and Robin’s disks need to be maxed, but, good idea

You know, when you refresh CW.

Hire him as a merc if you want. Otherwise just wait until you can play epic. Same for Zurg.

I’m not assuming anything. Just suggesting to work on her if you didn’t.

Otherwise just build Hiro and get his disk with Darkwing. He can usually do pretty much everything alone

I am trying to greet through Medium, so I can get through Hard, so Ivan eligible to play Epic. I have no path to Red Skills.

80% of my heroes are useless in any game mode. Most of those hero pairs are of limited value because one, or both, are horribly weak.

Why not eliminate a character for every one that is added.

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