New Hero Survey - Featuring Kuzco!

(Although it’s the one game mode I won’t use Kuzco in, since he doesn’t have Fantastic damage himself and only inflicts True damage on enemies that are being healed.)


I don’t know why this is not a multi-option question but I’ve fixed it:


Cruise Control is not strong at all.

said nobody ever.

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Cant wait! For 2024 heroes!


It’s actually spelt “Ember”

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Good Good Good

We never had a character foe a tv shows in a movie franchises be added before with the exception of Angel from Lilo and Stitch Tv show in the Lilo and Stitch movie IP.

The chances are small but they are there.

Last thing I wanna say Disney heroes it’s quite long but it’s worth it, you need to buff quite a bit of heroes you need to buff for example, eve is one of the worst characters in the game her damage is horrific and she needs a really big buff. Also maybe WALL·E his damage is really bad, but not as bad as eve but he has some potential but he definitely needs a buff. Next, I want genie buffed he has horrific damage like eve and healing sucks for him He really just doesn’t get any refreshes next, Magita de spell needs a buff to I got her lvl 92 and she does 3k :face_vomiting:. Lastly, Pleakley and jumba I do not not know if I spelled it right lol, their damage is bad. They deserve more damage and they’re one of my favorite Disney characters. Thank you Disney Heroes, if you listened to this I hope you can do at least two things on here or one. (Edit: I forgot to add Tron because his damage is horrible thank you.


Can we just stop having this values attached to stars of the disk and rather add them to be affected by Disk Power?

Right now the values are stratospheric. But eventually this would be nothing with the escalation we have right now.

Also @Samm you have the disk name swapped again.

The Amelia - Kuzco campaign is about Kuzco confusing a pirate ship with a cruiser. It should have the Cruiser Control name, everything else can stay the same.

The Carl - Kuzco campaign is about Kuzco making his birthday party but under the supervision of Carl. It should have the name Party Stopper


I really love Kuzco. His skills are op and he is probably the best support.

My next suggestion for a hero, although it doesn’t relate to Kuzco or Emperor’s new Groove as a whole, is Bing Bong.

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I meant control not support

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How do I tell you that isn’t possible…
Maybe with a in game information.


Yep he’s dead


Es pero que algún día meten a los los personajes de Miraculous y si meten a cat noir automáticamente intentaría tenerlo en mi lista de héroes de conseguir y probablemente lo mejoraría y hasta tener en categoría naranja o rojo con su disco de amistad.

La última información que tuvimos fue que preguntaron a Disney y ellos dijeron que siempre no se podía por derechos de autor.

Esto fue en un Q&A (Preguntas y Respuestas) que hicieron aqui en los foros.

I think we still need the following, Max Goof, Monterey Jack & Zipper, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Phineas & Ferb, Liquidator & Bushroot, Wendy Duck, Bonkers, Gasolkne Drake, Headless Horseman, and different looks for characters, like Huey, Duey, and Louie, can have the Quack Pack designs, or 201x Duck Tales.


Kuzco is a good hero (in my opinion) just wish he was friends with Pacha in Disney Heroes Battle Mode other then that I like Kuzco :+1:


Kuzco is king. Need I say more?


I will say Ive used him in Heist just to Show off the hero. He is pretty good and since he does true dmg he doesnt need backup to win.

I am f2p and get every prize wall hero to yellow, using double event’s for badges and stamina buys. At yellow, I get the 5000 diamonds reward and have about the same amount as when the event began.

So I consider the prize wall heroes to be all affordable and almost free.

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