New invasion prizes

The new prizes for invasion are terrible. What a step back. We need more gold to level up the heroes. More and more levels,stages and heroes get added. Why reduce the amount of gold? We need more double badge events and triple gold events. The campaigns need to produce wayyy more gold and the invasion payout needs to go back to how it was. Spend way to much money on the game and it’s starting to get annoying now with how much it costs to upgrade a hero. If the payouts don’t update, i won’t spend another dime. :slight_smile:


First off welcome to the forums

Second this is something that has been mentioned many times in the forums and I am sure perblue knows, but does not seem to be interested in changing that aspect of their game. It is a shame, and would be an amazing surprise if they did at some point go back to double rewards every other day, and better invasion rewards, go back to the reduced cost of skills, and reduced cost of xp.

Considering how many posts like yours get locked, or disappear, or are mostly just ignored, it is unlikely.

Good luck.


The prizes were great the have cut them back too the points it nearly not worth playing invasion any more at all it was really disappoints as they said with the cost hike they would increase other prizes which they did until now


I saw a nice deal earlier but I’m not going to buy something now if it will be worthless in a week

Thanks for the feedback. Please keep discussion about the changes to the Invasion rewards in one thread. Thanks!

@Lilbangers No threads were “disappeared”, and in order to keep the discussion in one, central location, other threads have been locked - not ignored - asking people to use one thread.

Having duplicate threads discussing the same topic is chaotic, and becomes repetitive as people post the same ideas in multiple places.

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