Next update, when? (Part 1)

Samm is no longer online

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(S)He is online.

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Patch Notes: (are late)

Forum members:


Calm down,bro

HA! I told you pre posted! This has before.
Maybe 39 minutes?

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Samm goes offline
Forum members:


I didn’t explode, hurray!

That’s mean… I can keep waiting.

Kim, please be added now.


O Come On! They are clearly Ready! Why can’t they be posted! This is Ridiculous!

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They clearly aren’t, or they’d be available…

And we have a new Traumatic Event™! Red Skills, something to even further increase the gap between whales and nonwhales. Wow, thanks Perblue!


I thought the update was gonna be Jasmine and the other person I was hoping Animal or Kim but I can deal with both muppet characters I said in Hero Predictions

Jasmine is the new Kim.

Both somewhere on game data, nothing else.
While PB keep adding new heroes and do nothing for these girls to be released, not good, at all.

No orange skills?

What gold nerf?

It was a long time ago. How Do you not remember The Gold Nerf?

A long time ago, skills were affordable, 5 Stars was the max, and new heroes had balanced stats. Then, everything changed when PB attacked…


Update 1.7 , Back In January

Why do they always have increase team lvl caps it gets harder and harder until its impossible

As hilarious of a parody this is I must disagree most new heroes do have a good counter even if they could use a bit of a Nerf (Except Jafar he is WAY to over powered) but most people just don’t try hard enough to find a good counter. The 6th star came out of nowhere but was a good edition. The Gold Nerf was terrible. And it’s to early for Red Skills but they will good in the long term.

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