Next update, when? (Part 1)

Can always dream :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
Really keen for the friendship rework!!

2.3 is the friendship rework, so…

My bad! Thanks! Equally excited for 2.3 now :slight_smile:

So… @Polaris… I have a few questions:

  1. Will the friendship update be this week?
  2. If the friendship update does come… will you guys be releasing it to all servers or select ones?

New (2.3) patch notes coming tomorrow? That’s right @Polaris?
tenor (13)


Hope the patch had heroes but that’s unlikely cause we just got ian

It’s all possible, recently updates only given one hero, and contest hero needs to be changed.


Yeah. Also again, this update is a big one. So it should have quite a bit of stuff in it. Heroes, maybe some more red skills (though I’m not sure since we just got 9), friendships rework, maybe balancements.

I think what I hope the most for the patch notes this week would of course first and foremost be the friendship system update, but beside the friendship system update I hope we can get some new perks soon, especially Guild Contest perks as we have nearly all maxed out the Guild Contest perks I assume.

In terms of new characters I would be fine waiting a bit so that the overall game is more feature updated and balanced overall, and that way provide a better game experience :-).


Without new heroes it won’t be the same :frowning:

Hope one, or better few heroes will coming.

No matter what it will be a great update. I am very excited.

Remember: We’re guaranteed to get Tia’s refresh.

That’s for 2.3.10.

Now we will have 2.3.

We still not sure how it will be—

I expect it to be good, unless I find something bad. I try to stay optimistic before seeing the patch notes.

Yeah. Honestly I’m just hoping for some balancements along with the friends system rework. If that happens it’ll be a good update for me regardless of what else it has

Before I answer, I like the cute kitty GIF. For now, you’ll have to be patient.

The last time I checked, your name wasn’t Polaris.


I know. I just wanted to remind your friend to be patient.

Also curious if there will be a way to utilise any excess memory tokens we have for heroes soon?

Anything? :pleading_face:

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