Next update, when? (Part 1)

They would…

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Rourke is fine. Because he got exe. Throwing enemy.

I thought you wanted Basil and you got him🤔 So I guess you did get one hero you wanted

Kind of. Although I gues now that I think about it, October is nigh.

How do YOU know that?


Hopefully they will bring 2 tangled characters (Gothel & pascal) since the movie will celebrate 10 years

Anger and Joy are just the only ones in the game and that’s not enough.

Uh, doesn’t quite look like it.

Doesn’t mean others will come soon :roll_eyes:


It’s been that way for more than a year, also November has a pattern much like October.

Every May and November after the full launch we have received 1 or more classic character(s).

November 2018 - Mickey Mouse
May 2019 - Goofy
November 2019 - Donald, Scrooge McDuck
May 2020 - Minnie Mouse

So considering this pattern one can assume that an update in November will bring us someone like Daisy or Pete.
However Disney games tend to celebrate “Pixar Month” in June so more Inside Out characters could be expected June 2021. Despite that Pixar Month wasn’t celebrated by DHBM this year, so that isn’t as likely.
But, hey maybe Sadness, Fear, Disgust will join us at some random time.

Please be more humble. Like seriously. You didn’t have any evidence, in fact all signs point that you are very wrong. I’m more than willing to bet that you also aren’t a dataminer.


Especially she should come! IMO

But that was for his 90th birthday, and what about the triplets, magica, and launchpad they didn’t come out in any of those months. But if your facts are correct we may see daisy, Pete, or glomgold


She would be awesome! I don’t care about the others… Grandma Duck would be a great addition too :pie:

Gladstone, Della, fethry, and webby would be cool to

Yes. There are so many great characters!

Or maybe a certain lucky rabbit or a big bad wolf.

Will this Friday’s patch bring a hero?

If we were to get him this year it would be next month, we just have to wait for the Facebook thing or datamining to determine if he will come or not.

The Big Bad Wolf would be a good transition from October to November.

Oh. Ok. Don’t forget about Anna, and Riley. I think they should be coming around the first half of the next year.

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