Next update, when? (Part 1)

Way too early for that :roll_eyes:


Do we have to wait again for the patch notes?

You always have to wait for a patch…

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I think Fear, Anna, Daisy Duck, or Kronk is in the big update. It’s just my hypothesis, and prediction.

Big update doesn’t come for every 3 weeks


Yeah, but I just noticed that the first episode is skipped at VIP level 13 and above. In that case, maybe we should remove the skipped level parts of the friendship and add episode 1 back for all VIP levels. I feel like we need to come up with a compromise of the old and new friendship modes.

Hm, that makes sense, because those high VIP don’t get to see the dialogue. Maybe, they could put the dialogue in the wall, but you don’t have to fight the actual campaigns?


Is kronk and Daisy Duck are coming?

Daisy Duck is unknown

It does come every 3 weeks…

Yes, that


What comes every 3 weeks?

What do you mean?

Big updates…

Including this Friday?

Please, take a hint…

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Every “big” patch notes comes every 2-3 weeks on a Friday, and updates on Tuesdays


So the big patch notes are on Friday?

Big and small ones


I did… big (and small) patch notes come on Fridays…

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