Next update, when? (Part 1)

Well. I guess Anna would never make it as a hero.

Her basic attack doesn’t do damage at all, but her skills do.

Wait, how could both :pig: and :honeybee: :lemon: be sign-ins?

Honestly, it’s a shame you guys didn’t leave the S24 state as it was. Hotfix is really disappointing there!

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Typo my bad lol

Ahhh that makes more sense now.

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There could only be one sign in hero every month. It’s one or the other.

Its honey lemon we’ve already proved that

Yep! Hamm was not confirmed yet.

He was. You just missed it :ghost:

That’s why I asked Hoho-its_gonzo that, because their initial comment said that both :pig: and :honeybee: :lemon: might be sign-ins, which obviously makes no sense.

I hope :pig: is a coli crate

So, I guess we have…

:honey_pot: :lemon: : January Sign-In
:tiger: :policeman: : Diamond Crate Exclusive Hero
:pig: :bank: Either Contest Exclusive, Coliseum Crate Exclusive or Slinky Crate

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How do they know that there will be 2 sign in heroes in one month? I’m confused…

Hopefully Honey and Claw will swap around.

So now that I unlocked her, :honeybee: :lemon: sign in chips are still there… Will I keep getting :honeybee: :lemon: chips instead of Kronk?

Really confused.


Well, that settles it for the next update. I don’t know if Anna would join this winter or will never make it as a hero by the fact that the final chapter gets released.

I’m not possibly sure. You will have to wait until next year.

I hope Baloo leave the Coli Crates so he can shine, his skills are pretty nice and I think he’ll appear more often after they replace him in Colisseum Crates.
tenor (3)


They didn’t. They were guessing how we might get Honey Lemon, Hamm, and Clawhauser when they actually come out, but they accidentally messed up and said that they thought both Hamm and Honey Lemon would be sign-ins. That’s why I asked that initial question.

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