Next update, when? [Season 2]

I knew it. I knew that certain heroes were blocking progress on the friendship campaign along with rank cap, and that should be a temporary fix until all the heroes have all their stats balanced along with the creeps, or unless permanent. Plus, with the cadence at a new hero every 8 weeks, I think the prize wall would be extended by another 4 weeks meaning level 400 quest, and Emerald Rank quest.

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Where did you find this?

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I’d rather not, not yet at least.
It’s doable now but it might still be impossible for relatively newer players since you need to unlock all the campaign chapters needed

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We’re about to get the final prize wall, it is… too late :frowning:

New quests themselve are good, if it won’t increase the requirement for 5000 diamonds.

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Aw come on. The storyline is still chapter 75 in chapter 76? I thought that stages 2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15,17, and 18 of every chapter were to be playable again. That is something that you should be well informed of @TheGrillFather We should change that so there’s a different story in chapter 76. This happened on both of the Cheshire Cat’s Friendships.


The Updates are very interesting, I’m hoping maybe for Update 5.8 Patch Notes will be big since christmas is coming up, we could get a new character, a christmas crate maybe, and a sneak peak on Elsa’s costume so we know if it is either show yourself Elsa or Snow Queen original Elsa! I’m just excited for the future patch notes!

I am obsessed with cap rises to because they fix a lot of glitches people have been experiencing throughout their journey in the game, there are so many more updates to come and I’m just so excited to see what they all have in them.

After seeing State of the Game Nov 2023, I felt very confident that so many special things would be coming back, and the costumes are the best part of it all!

Go DHBM developers, keep shining!


I checked, and it’s just the Ice Queen costume that was removed after her refresh on December 2019.

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Well it might look like we may have a chance to unlock it again depending if we get threads from the special event starting on Friday

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On Monday when I entered the game it just stayed in the loading screen and the game music started to play so I tried to exit the app but it wouldn’t let me and the music stopped but I was still in the loading screen I tried to turn it off but the screen went dim so what I did was hold the power button and the volume and it worked

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Patch notes 5.8 next Friday


I doubt it. I have a feeling 5.8 will be pushed back due to Xmas and New year. Can you confirm or deny this @TheGrillFather?

And about the next franchise trials, will we have new ones, with new refreshed heroes or the current trials will be extended?


I’d be okay with an extension of the current ones with actual refreshes for them this time


That’s a good idea. We just don’t know what is their decision

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We really need these buffs, it’s very disappointing that Wildcards were last to get patchable AND they got NO buffs. They didn’t changed at all in result.
Same with DuckTales and Atlantis.

HDL never were changed after their release, and they are one of the worst heroes now, same with Basil, and now massively outdated Meilin and Bolt.

Better extend Season 14 with actual buffs.


5.8 is scheduled for next year, our last update was 5.7!

We will have a next season of franchise trials, but we were intentional in picking already strong franchises because we are not able to deliver any refreshes, not even stat refreshes due to how poorly they were received. Hopefully we’ll have more info soon on how we’re tackling the powercreep problem!


Two seasons with no changes, not even 1 hero? :frowning_face:

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Please choose the franchise with all its refreshed heroes. That way, people, including me, won’t be disappointed that X hero don’t get refreshed

You mean what you did with this month trials? Considering nothing changed, it is no suprise that EVERYONE hated this change as it was useless

And what’s about the challenger hero? Will we have a new one? Could you please at least refresh 1 hero for Challenger? Tron is in there 2 months, that’s more than enough


We’ll have info about that in our last Patch Notes of the year!


So we will have patch notes today Right?

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It’s funny that we haven’t gotten mail from the game since Dante

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