Next update, when? [Season 2]

The game never dies.

Well, every month, PB will need to start adding new servers that will start at chapter 41, starting with server 26 onward.

That needs a refreshment. How about one of each badge that matches the chapter that was unlocked?

will there be patch notes today?

No. I’m afraid not. Because it’s closed.

whats closed?

I think they meant the PB offices since they’re usually closed on weekends.

And I think it’s a bit late to ask about Patch Notes. If we were getting Patch Notes today, Nugget would have said something much sooner about releasing them.


I already told you waiting on September 9

oh oki then

Well, that’s not true. PB’s #1 rule is to keep the game open until the end of the story. I mean really. The story isn’t complete yet.

Do you think that there will be patch notes on that day?

and it still won’t close at the end of the story, but maybe some point after that.

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  1. The “end of the story” can come eventually as well as abruptly. And since DHBM is PB´s rank 1 game for now, it will indeed stay up. This might change though.

The story can be completed at any given point right now if they wished to.

There are usually one in 2 weeks at least. From 4 weeks of the month, generally only one does not have any patch notes at all.

Every 3 weeks, a new character appears in the prize wall.
Every 4 weeks, a new chapter appears in the normal and elite campaign.

The story ends if the Mega Virus is defeated.

Exactly, one week there is no update and the other there are at least rotations plus sometimes bugfixes.

So far in previous months it made up 3 update deals + 3 rapid recruitment deals per month.

This can be literally done in a week if the devs wish. But it won’t happen until the game is at its close, which… as said… can be abrupt (at literally any time, even next week)… or, much more likely - eventual (once there is a higher profit maker than DHBM for PB - then the game either closes or stays up like Portal Quest with seldom updates and no cap raises).

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okay see on September 9 or 16

I just realized that chapter 60 for server 1, and chapter 49 for server 21 are both going to be in the patch notes this Friday. I believe the cap raise is on September 9th.

That is way too early for the game. Not until all the parts of the Hub have been freed from the Mega Virus. I’m ending your conversation for now.

And according to chapter 53, I think all the villains will be defeated on chapter 73.

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