Next update, when? [Season 2]


The cap raise is on 12/12!


Any hint or spoilers about the upcoming patch note that you could share with us @TheGrillFather ? That’d be highly appreciated

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I wonder who we’ll get next because you put the characters in black as how challenger approaching in smash is like

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Patch notes tomorrow

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They already said we’ll get it tomorrow

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New hero today?

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Just wait until we find out

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Anytime now we should see it and we should be expecting to see the snow in the game because we’re about to enter winter


Any luck with patch notes?

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It got released, but the concern is about the enemy pool removal from both campaigns.

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@TheGrillFather May I please ask if the team can at least consider having either a very high stamina cap or something close to infinite. I don’t think they are needed anymore in the game and if the coding allows to not show the Y part in “X/Y” stamina bar it would look less cramped.

The altogether cap could be something like 99,999,999 which is 1.67M stamina consumables anyway

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I don’t think we’ll get something today because we just had a big one and the snow along with what Elsa wore when she first entered the game before they changed here aka the Snow Queen Outfit is back

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We set limits because allowing numbers to go to infinite will cause game lag and other game performance issues.


Then uh as I said, it would at least be nice if the limit was decently high.
I mean…

I never said it should be directly infinite, but if it was high and not visible it would free up space in that label.

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I knew it. I knew that certain heroes were blocking progress on the friendship campaign along with rank cap, and that should be a temporary fix until all the heroes have all their stats balanced along with the creeps, or unless permanent. Plus, with the cadence at a new hero every 8 weeks, I think the prize wall would be extended by another 4 weeks meaning level 400 quest, and Emerald Rank quest.

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Where did you find this?

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I’d rather not, not yet at least.
It’s doable now but it might still be impossible for relatively newer players since you need to unlock all the campaign chapters needed

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We’re about to get the final prize wall, it is… too late :frowning:

New quests themselve are good, if it won’t increase the requirement for 5000 diamonds.

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Aw come on. The storyline is still chapter 75 in chapter 76? I thought that stages 2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15,17, and 18 of every chapter were to be playable again. That is something that you should be well informed of @TheGrillFather We should change that so there’s a different story in chapter 76. This happened on both of the Cheshire Cat’s Friendships.


The Updates are very interesting, I’m hoping maybe for Update 5.8 Patch Notes will be big since christmas is coming up, we could get a new character, a christmas crate maybe, and a sneak peak on Elsa’s costume so we know if it is either show yourself Elsa or Snow Queen original Elsa! I’m just excited for the future patch notes!

I am obsessed with cap rises to because they fix a lot of glitches people have been experiencing throughout their journey in the game, there are so many more updates to come and I’m just so excited to see what they all have in them.

After seeing State of the Game Nov 2023, I felt very confident that so many special things would be coming back, and the costumes are the best part of it all!

Go DHBM developers, keep shining!

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