Next update, when? (Part 1)

Maybe the first patch of next month we will get pixar, but now we get some jazzy duo of animals and a disturbingly broken pirate

I know its kinda impossible but maybe a pixar character.

Not really. We need a sign-in hero, and a diamond crate exclusive. I don’t think a third slot will be available… unless PerBlue finds a way.

Maybe we may get Ian Lightfoot


It is possible. It is just unlikely

They probably have, didn’t the update with Donald have 4 characters, they found a way, and I can prove it Update 1.14.2 Patch Notes

Yeah, 3 or 4.

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They added Arena crates and contest exclusives.

It isn’t like we’re going to have Surge crates… right?

We could get surge crates, that could be the way. And we could have a contest exclusive so it’s very possible

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That’s where pirate will go to, and at least should to reduce chaos and mayhem in balance.

On other side…
red skills are coming, at least one good thing.

but on 3rd… side, I guess it’s a die. :game_die:
PB seriously need to consider increase amount of skill chips from CW, 10 new red skills per month VS. 3 months to upgrade a red skill doesn’t match up.


How are you so certain of this, did a dataminer say he would or something

Is it impossible for kim possible to be in this update?

Polaris didn’t say yes, but he didn’t say no…

Oh right. THAT squid man.
Eh, he’ll be fine :man_shrugging:

that was a guess, but seems to be likely, :pirate_flag: was in data for quite long after all…

Beast v2.0, are you sure it’s needed?

Oh okay
(10 c)

Kim possible isnt kim impossible so maybe its possible for kim possible to be in the update. And if it is too impossible for kim possible to be in the update then maybe kim possible will be possible someday.

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Stop using “possible”

I wouldn’t say that’s the case. But we’ll have to see…

That will be possible. (I am really sorry.)

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