…why do you even think that?
You guys are always playing events together and act almost like siblings
Stop making fun of me
Pooh and Chris Robin are always playing games, they are not siblings…
We’re talking about real life
Flaco me cansé de traducirlo, estoy tratando de ayudarte a hacer una SIMPLE encuesta pero tanto te cuesta, te di ayuda
(Spark no hace que lo traduzcas pero igual gracias por traducir las otras veces)
Wait what did you say
…? There is a term called “friends”.
I get it but they act a little bit like siblings
You could say that for all of us. You could say Spark and I act like brothers or Rino and I act like brothers. You don’t have to be siblings to be close to someone. Sometimes, friendships can even be stronger than a sibling relationship.
I think most friends like to do activities and stuff together…
Well what I say is that a sibling relationship is the strongest of them all
…Not really. We just both like to edit things and have the same interests
I’m still leaving by guys
Yeah. Some siblings aren’t close at all. I know tons of people that have stronger bonds with their friends than with their brothers or sisters, it’s normal. It’s fine. You still love them but like, there is nothing wrong with it.
It’s true, it depends on the people, who you hang out with or personal things…
Never mind! let’s continue with what we were doing