Question: Best Characters in Each Invasion

No? Ah, that’s a shame.

How is that even a shame?


I’m spoiled in a way. I wanted a combo that adhered slightly different than what’s been shown, but I was thrown off. I guess it doesn’t matter since your displayed combos work.

In my experience, the Bot is able to fire one first shot at your heroes, so Jim (with red skill) or Angel are still necessary to take that hit. After that slow kicks in and he is unable to move (though I use Louie (Pe) + Kim (Jo))

I mean you can always throw any team you like. There’s no one restricting you.
Invasion is by now a half-defunct mode @Loutre Where is anything Invasion-related in updates? Nowhere. Same as heist it just rottens and rottens. And data show so many nice doable moves. :man_shrugging:

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