Randall (Gaston disc) is pretty much like the old Jafar (Scar disc) all over again

Randall (Gaston disc) is too overpowered. It’s insane combining with his invisibility skills. Plus his ultimate alone can one shotted almost an entire team.
In addition he gains a significany amount of energy from killing an enemy and when damaged. Let’s not forget he’s untouchable everytime he uses his ultimate.
It’s very unbalanced.

To prove my point…Maxxed Randall with maxxed disc power and stars vs maxxed team with maxxed disc powers and stars

I really dont understand the concept of invisibility too tbh. I understand that an invisible hero cannot be targeted, but they shouldn’t be excluded from an AoE, team damage, team disables (stun, freeze) and status effects (blind) and traps if the hero happens to be within the area of attack. An invisible hero can be knocked back with a team knock back skills but why can’t they get affected with HueyDueyLouie’s trap when an invisible hero walks past the their traps, for example. Or when Bogo uses his flash bangs, etc. Idk I may be missing something.

Same goes with invincibility.
How is it when Gaston or Judy when they are invincible, they can still get disabled, but somehow Hercules can’t be disabled when he is invincible.
So inconsistent.

It’s frustrating.

On the contrary to the title

Just because Randall (Ga) beat a whole team by himself like Jafar (Sc) doesn’t mean that the disks are similar. You are most likely to win whenever Randall is in the mix. If you look at the disks, they are different. Randall may dodge everything for a period of time after using “Scream Selection” with his Gaston disk. Jafar uses “Whirling Dervish” attack the beginning of every wave, and deals more damage to specific enemies.

Btw Randall is OP by himself. Himself as in no disk equipped.

Randall can’t avoid disables. Olaf’s white skill still freezez him, as Olaf can activate it even without seeing enemies.

But it is similar though in a sense that the disc is giving an amount of power and damage that can wiped out an entire team. They both overpowered.
Yes the mechanism of both discs are different, I know that for sure but that’s not the point. The point (just as you pointed out yourself) is that those discs can wiped out an entire team.
Even without Goody (Je), Jafar (Sc) can still throw a huge amount of damage, even after the slight nerf.

And yes Randall is OP even without disc but he is still managable with enough control. With his discs, specifically Gaston, plus if you add in the likes of Gonzo, Animal, Joy etc. He’s even more impossible to beat.

But he misses HDL’s trap and Bogo’s blind, as well as Baymax (Ol) freezes ability at start of wave. It’s very inconsistent.

Oh, I see, he has Evasion :sweat_smile:

Perhaps I was wrong about disables, but he is still able to avoid the bear traps, not the disable as in he takes damage without the stun, but the traps just ignored invisible heroes.

Who use Olaf now? @Turned_To_Sin

Randall is way too strong, someone in PB again had too much fantasion without thinking twice before release him to us.

As invisible Randall have 50% to ignore disables.
Plus 200% damage to scared enemies.
Red skill speed-up his attack, and core stats.
Dodge and 200k hit right after his invisible gone, with Gaston disk he ignore all received damage for 8s.


All Randall needs is a power decrease and then he’ll be just an OP character that you may survive against

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