Red Skill Quest Ideas

Haha yeah I remember screwing it up all the time too. Part of the challenge! I think there were even some that required you to start it on a specific day, something to do with a full moon I believe. The Were-Dragon maybe? It’s been a long time.

Also, added Baymax, Bo Peep, Buzz Lightyear and Calhoun to the first post.

I think it was Moon Drake :slight_smile:

aaah, we complain about OP heroes in DH, but most here never knew the destroyer of worlds that was Dungeon Man + Moon Drake x)

Imagine a temple team in Invasion now - Idol, Moon, Fox, DM, Dusty… RIP every mama bot that ever lived :joy:

They certainly have at least learnt from some mistakes.

I think Dungeon Man’s introduction was around the time I stopped playing. Never knew his mechanics or OP’ness.

Chief Bogo and Darkwing Duck added to main list.

Oh, you were spared :joy: with Dungeon Man’s starting energy (he could push starting energy over 1000) & Moon Drake’s ability to recharge energy, you could go an entire 2min battle without the other team ever sending even 1 attack. Here the mama bot would just stand there unable to move getting speared over & over & over (which is essentially what titan temples turned into and allowed ridiculous levels to be reached).

It wasn’t much fun to face in FP or Coli, either :stuck_out_tongue: at least Jafar kills you quickly xD

Added Felix - Goofy and did some formatting for easier reading. 24 down, 49 to go!

What is we could help out with some?

Added Hades - Jack Sparrow.

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Added Jack-Jack - Judy Hopps. Even included Jasmine!


Added Kevin Flynn - Mickey Mouse.

30 to go! Should be able to finish them all up this week.

Edit: due to sick children who can’t go to school, delays will delay.

Added Miguel Rivera - Nick Wilde.

Wow that’s soooo cool love itt

Wow I want ittttt

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