Remove the Mod notification Exclamation point

This is getting very annoying now, the game constantly asking me to upgrade mods.
The main reason I am irked is because this always masks when a new badge can be equipped to a character.
Earlier today, I opened a lot of badge generating crates, but because of the mod upgrading indicator, I could not tell whom could equip a new badge and who was being marked for mod upgrades.
Just before I took this picture, Anger had earned a new badge, but because he was flagged for mod upgrade, I didn’t know he had.

And before anyone says it, no I can’t apply the upgrade to get rid of the indicator, because it requires substantial amounts of hero chips or the mod enhancement I do not have (invasion is annoyingly bad at generating a specific kind of mod enhancement, in that is does not!)

So disable this mod notification so we only see badge notifications.


You could set to view heroes like this to see who you can equip badges to


You also can equip mods to heroes randomly if you still have some left. :man_shrugging:

If it is about the notification that a mod can be advanced, it works for me to click at the button advance (but not confirm it!) and close again. That way the notification thing disappears there.

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Why did you hide discs lol


Thanks for the tip, it worked for most of them, but unfortunately, not for all:

The same technique does not work on upgade, just advance. :zipper_mouth_face:

Because the players of this game are obsessed with discussing Friendship discs.
No matter the subject of the thread, they’ll go offtopic and “advise” me on the better disc to use.
Since they lack the self-control to never discuss it, I figured it was just easier to hide the discs so they could not know what I am using.


Or… You could just not equip the discs when you take the screenshot, I mean instead of re coloring them because I can still distinguish some discs

But they’re still visible…

@Tilarta what about this?

It won’t make the notifications go away but at least you’ll be able to see who needs badges


I considered it, but it looks like switching to that view mode decreases the number of heros on screen, so I’d have to do more scrolling to run through the list to find the ones who just got new badges.

Starting to wish I could “hide” every hero I am not using/upgrading so the list is shorter then it currently is…

I think this conversation comes down to that there should be a individual toggle for if we want the exclamation mark for Mods, Badges and Promote, like 1 toggle for each of them like we can decide if we want the global chat to be sending messages on the screen when not in the chat menu.

So I think it comes down to that.

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